Hi! My MBP pro is listed in signature as I notice other people do that I guess to save time typing it all out all the time. I am not a hardcore gamer, and anyway own an Xbox One and PS4 for gaming. But that covers new games, I get the urge to play old games I played growing up. Now I have a access to a cheap Windows laptop (not mine though) on which I can maybe play old Windows titles, and I don't have room for a desktop gaming rig, although am considering buying a gaming laptop to be sure of playing anything I want but that's not going to be for a while and not even my preferred solution. Ideally I would like just to run things on my Mac without rebooting or losing space on my SSD. Most newer games I want to play on computer are available for Mac, like Stellaris, Two Point Hospital, games like that. I don't want to turn 128gb of my SSD over to bootcamp, I only have 300gb left free as it is. Is a VM really as bad as people say? I am not looking for ultra settings AAA gaming, just running games like Black and White, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, titles I played growing up. Surely a VM would be fine for that? And if so, is there a single best VM for this purpose, or will I be fine with VMWare Fusion (my preference due to no subscription.) There's no free trial so I am asking before I shell out and find it doesn't work or is crazy slow or something. My alternative is just to accept that if I want to game, I move my MBP out the way and boot up the cheap ASUS which belongs to my Nan or buy my own gaming laptop. Now the only game I want to play on computer which is no longer available for Mac is Elite Dangerous, I guess I won't get this running on any VM? Any advice is appreciated. I'm not really sure how VMs work, but I have six cores and 16gb of RAM and am happy not running anything in MacOS that is resource intensive while I game.