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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Dec 27, 2015
a buddy has a GT120 for boot screen and a RX580 in a CMP and the System hangs during the boot process. Safe Boot worked and fiddling with the kexts worked once.

Has someone more knowledge about getting those two together ? GT120 is just for the boot screen. So it wont hurt if there is no driver loaded when the System is up and running.
They do, technically, in High Sierra its ok.

You're no longer in High Sierra. In Mojave, the GT120 will not allow you to fully boot when paired with another graphics card.

I tried running a 7970 + GT120 for boot screens and had the same issue as you. Removing the GT120 cleared everything up.
At this point I'm convinced that Mojave will NOT boot if there is any combination of a GT120 or HD5770 AND a Metal capable video card installed. There have only been 3rd hand rumors about it working, never verified to me from anyone that actually has it working. And it hasn't worked for me.

I think the rumors came from verified reports that Mojave will boot with ONLY a GT120 or ONLY a HD5770 (but then runs dog-slow unaccelerated video), without a metal card installed. It seems strange that works but not with a metal card added.
We tried also a stock HD2600 with same results. Guess the place to fiddle is the driver for the RX580.

So confirmed NOT working with RX580 is:

GT120, HD2600, HD5770

Pulling the second EFI Card is not the solution when wanting a boot screen with a RX580 :)
[doublepost=1540722004][/doublepost]And btw, the HD2600 works acceptable when injecting the old drivers with DosDudes Tool. At least enough for a usefull screen for mails, palettes, and alike.
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We tried also a stock HD2600 with same results. Guess the place to fiddle is the driver for the RX580.

So confirmed NOT working with RX580 is:

GT120, HD2600, HD5770
I don't think this has anything to do specifically with the RX-580, so can anything be accomplished with its driver?

I don't believe Mojave will boot when any Metal video card is installed with any Mac EFI non-metal video card. No other combinations using a metal card that is not an RX580 or RX560 have been reported to work with one of the EFI non-metal video cards either.

I suspect it won't boot with any Metal card AND any non-metal card installed together. It seems to me Apple would want to prohibit that combination knowing it won't work well because there is no driver for the non-metal card. I'm just surprised it boots with only a non-metal card.
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I have two other 4.1/5.1, one with a R9 and one with a GTX680. I can test them both with adding a GT120 and HD2600 next week (am off those boxes the next 10 days).

Worth a try but those GPUs both have flashed EFI firmware.
Do you really need boot screen?

if you have ever run into a problem when using Single User Mode or Verbose Mode is helpful for finding the cause you want the boot screen badly.

I feel helpless when I am at a box without bootscreen when troubleshooting. Ok, it's because I fiddle a lot with hardware and tickle old boxes with new unsupported systems. I also mess my boxes with linux installations. So the boot picker is a must for me.
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As several others have said, if you need the bootscreen, put the GT120 back in and remove the RX580, they don't work together.
As several others have said, if you need the bootscreen, put the GT120 back in and remove the RX580, they don't work together.

Someone told that installing Mojave on a unsupported machine does not work. So we dont do that. Wait, we did.

Fiddling on combining low end EFI and none EFI GPUs for bootscreen makes perfect sense. Even when people say it wont work there is a chance to get it running if fiddle on the right settings or drivers.
this was with metal deactivated:

next idea is to load the (metal) driver when Mojave is up and running

Someone told that installing Mojave on a unsupported machine does not work. So we dont do that. Wait, we did.

Fiddling on combining low end EFI and none EFI GPUs for bootscreen makes perfect sense. Even when people say it wont work there is a chance to get it running if fiddle on the right settings or drivers.
I'd definitely prefer to "fiddle" by swapping the graphics cards when troubleshooting is necessary than to have the operating system in an unsupported state.
Unfortunately macOS 10.14/10.15 won't boot unless all installed GPUs are METAL supported.
I wish I could make a small usb powered screen for boot screens with GT120... have to forget that.
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