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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 11, 2013
Montréal, Québec
Hello to you all. There is a problem with Safari 11.0 and SafariTechnologyPreview Release 46 on macOS Sierra 10.12.6. at this address: The list of flyers show up but when you click on one to see the flyer itself, you're showed with a blank "container" where should be the flyer. I know it cause the problem is not present on Firefox 57.0.3 and Chrome 63.0é Neither on Safari 10.1.2 on El Capitan. Tried all I know: extensions disabled and all. Should it be a WbGL problem since the possibility of allowing WebGL is present on Safari 10.1.2 on El Capitan and impossible on Safari 11 nor TechPreview. BTW, Safari on my iPhone and iPad iOS 10.3.3 opens Safari 11 Sierra cannot render the whole page. This page has also the same problem. Blansk everywhere. Kind of upsetting. Anyhow, can someone help me. Thanks in advance.
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Hi, I really hope I could find some answers. I dl Safari TechnologyPreview and it's the same. There must be a reason for that behavior. Am I the only one with that problem?
Thanks again
Hi, I really hope I could find some answers. I dl Safari TechnologyPreview and it's the same. There must be a reason for that behavior. Am I the only one with that problem?
Thanks again
I have the same problem. I downloaded latest safari update, but it did not help. I too am looking for the answer. Works on Google Chrome.
Never mind what? Accept it and let go. Safari is such a pain sometimes. This small bug seems to baffle everyone in the World Wide Web!
Hello again. I DL Safari Technology Preview Release 49 (Safari 11.2, Webkit 13606.1.3.3). loads perfectly with STP running High Sierra 10.13.3. The support at Flipp is extraordinary. They keep sending emails trying to find a solution. Actually, it could be the version of Webkit but I don't know anything about that. Here's what's clear as of today 13 Feb: site loads but fails to show flyers full size on Safari 11.x.x running last version of Sierra and High Sierra. But wait there's more: I went to the Apple Store to check up on the iMac there. Any model would perfectly load The problem lies with Safari 11 and Sierra and High Sierra on my iMac. What could be so different in the innards of Safari 11 that version 10 on El Capitan does the trick of magnifying the flyers? Don't leave me in the dark. Help me please :(.
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