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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 5, 2014
For a long time I was a Safari guy for both Windows and Mac machines, however with the level of apps and features Chrome was offering I made the switch.

When Yosemite dropped however and Safari 8 landed I decided to have a go, whilst all the great features like smoother scrolling etc were expected I couldn't believe how much more battery life I got when browsing on Safari over Chrome while adding the features that drew me to Chrome earlier.

Looking at Chrome on Activity Monitor it really drinks battery, I don't know whether this is exclusive to my machine but it's average energy impact sits at around 2-3x than that of Safari when performing similar tasks. Naturally it's become my default browser again, with Chrome only being opened for certain tasks.

For how divisive Yosemite has been I think it's only fair Apple deserves serious credit for how efficient they've made Safari :cool:

(Plus the translucent menu bar can look beautiful on colourful webpages, always a bonus)
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If Safari is efficient, how come my video playbacks on both VLC and MPlayerX Stutters whenever webpages are being loaded...?
If Safari is efficient, how come my video playbacks on both VLC and MPlayerX Stutters whenever webpages are being loaded...?

I have no idea, I can only talk of my own experiences. Safari 8 has given me hours of extra browsing time with each charge, no complaints on my end :)

Faster, prettier, more energy efficient - a solid update all round in my opinion
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I have no idea, I can only talk of my own experiences. Safari 8 has given me hours of extra browsing time with each charge, no complaints on my end :)

Faster, prettier, more energy efficient - a solid update all round in my opinion

Pretty much have the same experience on all 3 of my Mac computers.
I do like the longer battery life while using Safari 8. If a couple other issues that annoy me were resolved, I'd happily use it as my go to browser.
Admittedly, in the brief time I've used Yosemite I noticed that Safari 8 was noticeable faster than Safari 7.
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