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Original poster
Updated my two Macbook Pro laptops to 10.14.4, and Safari 12.1, and I have my two 2010 Mac Pros still on 10.13.6 since I don't have appropriate video cards in them to upgrade.

Now on my Macbook Pro laptops, whenever I have autofill of a username/password on my laptop, it's requiring my system password. Same website autofill on my Mac Pro doesn't do that. So Apple must have rolled out new requirements to require system password for autofill of usernames and passwords in the latest release. But I haven't been able to find anything to disable that requirement.

Anyone else seeing this, and have a way around it?
[doublepost=1553621780][/doublepost]Found it myself. Apparently it's under "System Preferences" -> "Touch ID" with the option "Safari Autofill". Unchecking it removes the password requirement.

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