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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 5, 2020
Hi all,

Is there a way to access Safari cache/cookies to retrieve an email address used for logging in to Hotmail web interface? I created a week ago an account but didn't store the email address (got the password though) and I logged out! I've used this address for flat hunting and I'm expecting replies. If cache/cookies are of no use is there any way to lookup for a first+last name+birthday on some public address book? Or any other way you would think of?

Thanks heaps!



macrumors 604
Jan 26, 2014
Horsens, Denmark
Is there a way to access Safari cache/cookies to retrieve an email address used for logging in to Hotmail web interface? I created a week ago an account but didn't store the email address (got the password though) and I logged out! I've used this address for flat hunting and I'm expecting replies. If cache/cookies are of no use is there any way to lookup for a first+last name+birthday on some public address book? Or any other way you would think of?

Thanks heaps!

I wouldn't hold my breath on being able to find it that way, but you could try writing the Hotmail support staff with all information you have about the account; Like you say, name, birthday, whatever else you might know that you filled in (obviously not password over plaintext email).

Since you say you have the password, if it were stored in Keychain it might still be associated with the account ID.
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