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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 8, 2009
I keep discovering little gems in iOS and apple software that convinces me they're losing quality control.

Yet another example I found today: I wanted to create a short cut on the home screen to a specific web page (that is not the home page) within a web site. Safari can't do that. Instead it only creates a shortcut to the home page of the web site (so in a hypothetical example, Safari creates a '' short cut on the home screen when I want a shortcut for '').

Can one edit the web address of a short created in the home screen to get around this? Nope.

And get this - the workaround is that you must go into airplane mode to prevent accessing the internet, then navigate to the specific page you want, then create the short cut on the home screen. The downside is that the icon for the new home screen short cut is a 'C' (for can't open perhaps, or possibly crappy coding) that just sits there like a scarlet letter of half-a$$ed Apple coding. It does not update when the internet connection is restored.

I have to say, Apple, this is shoddy. Just like losing the ability to scrub videos from within the interior of the frame in iOS17, etc. etc. etc.
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