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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 27, 2005
I would like to use a CSS style sheet, in Safari. How can I set the path for this in Safari programatically.

ie not through, Safari Preferences.

I am currently applying a CSS file via javascript, but applying the CSS directly would remove the javascript overhead.

I ran a class-dump of Safari, and found the following methods:
- (void)setStyleSheetPathPreference:(id)arg1;
- (id)styleSheetPathPreference;
- (void)updateStyleSheetMenu;
- (void)takeStyleSheetFromMenuItem:(id)arg1;
- (void)disableUserStyleSheet:(id)arg1;
- (void)choseStyleSheetFromPanel:(id)arg1 returnCode:(int)arg2 contextInfo:(void *)arg3;
- (void)chooseStyleSheetFromFileBrowser:(id)arg1;

anyone, care to take an educated guess, as to which one I should swizzle...

or better yet, is there an official way to do this?
Ive come up with the following, but are not quite sure how to apply it to the current webView:

NSString *applicationSupportFolder = [applicationSupportFolderPath stringByExpandingTildeInPath];
	NSString *CSSFilePath = [applicationSupportFolder stringByAppendingPathComponent:CSSFile];
	CSSFilePath = [CSSFilePath stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
	NSURL *CSSFileURL = [NSURL URLWithString:CSSFilePath];
	WebPreferences*	preferences	= [WebPreferences standardPreferences];
	[preferences setUserStyleSheetEnabled:YES];
	[preferences setUserStyleSheetLocation:CSSFileURL];
I am now using the following:

WebView* webView = [frame webView];
    DOMDocument* domDocument=[webView mainFrameDocument];
	DOMElement* styleElement=[domDocument createElement:@"style"];
	[styleElement setAttribute:@"type" value:@"text/css"];
	DOMText* cssText=[domDocument createTextNode:myCSSString];
	[styleElement appendChild:cssText];
	DOMElement* headElement=(DOMElement*)[[domDocument getElementsByTagName:@"head"] item:0];
	[headElement appendChild:styleElement];

applying it dynamically, using:
+ (void) progressStarted: (NSNotification*) aNotification
	WebView* webView = [aNotification object];

+ (void) progressFinished:(NSNotification *) aNotification
	WebView* webView = [aNotification object];

but its not very user friendly, as its not applied till the page has finished downloading.....
ok so it was a simple oversight:

I needed to add this line:
CSSFilePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:mad:"file://%@", CSSFilePath];

 NSString *applicationSupportFolder = [applicationSupportFolderPath stringByExpandingTildeInPath];
	NSString *CSSFilePath = [applicationSupportFolder stringByAppendingPathComponent:CSSFile];
	CSSFilePath = [CSSFilePath stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
CSSFilePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"file://%@", CSSFilePath];
	NSURL *CSSFileURL = [NSURL URLWithString:CSSFilePath];

	WebPreferences*	preferences	= [WebPreferences standardPreferences];
	[preferences setUserStyleSheetEnabled:YES];
	[preferences setUserStyleSheetLocation:CSSFileURL];

but how can I force safari to use the updated style sheet, when the file is changed?

I also would like to apply the stylesheet on a page by page basis...
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