Someone posted this in the Main News Forum in a Safari v1.2 thread, and I really have to ask what a Pith Helmet is. I read on for 9 pages, and nobody asked this question, so.....
I thought there would be SOMEONE out there that knew as little as me about my Mac, but I guess I'm wrong.
What the fudge is "Pith Helmet" and why are so many people eff'ing with it? Why were people thankful for this "fix"?
About Firebird: why doesn't my scroll-wheel click open a new tab in Firebird like it does in Safari? In most browsers, all I normally do is click on a link using the scroll-wheel button (ie: the 3rd button), and it opens up the link in a new tab. This doesn't work in Firebird for me. Using Firebird, I have to press Cmd (apple) + left click on mouse to get a webpage to open in a new tab.
And why the hell is Safari soooooo slow when I go to a message board reply screen with 6-7 animated smilies, while Firebird handles the reply screen so much quicker? This "slowness" causes a 1 or 2 second delay between the time I physically type out a reply, and the time the text appears on my screen.
Safari is soooo good, but sooo bad, all at the same time.
Pith Helmet Fix For Safari 1.2:
open /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/
Right click (control+click) PithHelmet.bundle and select show package contents
Open the Contents folder and from there open the info.plist file in either textedit or Property List Editor if you have the dev tools installed
Find where it says MaxSafariBundleVersion and change the value to 125
Save and restart safari. thats it, now it works.
I thought there would be SOMEONE out there that knew as little as me about my Mac, but I guess I'm wrong.
About Firebird: why doesn't my scroll-wheel click open a new tab in Firebird like it does in Safari? In most browsers, all I normally do is click on a link using the scroll-wheel button (ie: the 3rd button), and it opens up the link in a new tab. This doesn't work in Firebird for me. Using Firebird, I have to press Cmd (apple) + left click on mouse to get a webpage to open in a new tab.
And why the hell is Safari soooooo slow when I go to a message board reply screen with 6-7 animated smilies, while Firebird handles the reply screen so much quicker? This "slowness" causes a 1 or 2 second delay between the time I physically type out a reply, and the time the text appears on my screen.
Safari is soooo good, but sooo bad, all at the same time.