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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 12, 2012
Sparta, Greece
Hey everyone out there! Today I upgraded to Sierra (actually I performed a clean install on my SSD) on my iMac. Soon enough I noticed a graphics issue/bug when I minimize that very specific app (or when I open it up again from the Dock). I use genie effect for when I minimize or maximize so the issue is very visible. So the problem is that when I hit the yellow "minimize" button for like- half a second there's a thin blurred horizontal line all over from the left side to the right side of the Safari window. It's like everytime I minimize or recover Safari from the dock, some of my pixels "die" for half a sec creating a very thin; yet very very annoying; blurred line. Anyway is anyone having the same problem? And does anyone know how to fix it?
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