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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 24, 2002
Safari and FedEx don't mix!
Try it out, play around a bit, enter a fake tracking #, etc.

I get the beachball of death. Sometimes it goes away after a while and sometimes a Force Quit is necessary.

Anyone hear any more on the rumor that FedEx is switching to Mac?
I haven't had a problem with that particular website, but that's characteristic behavior when Safari doesn't get along with a site. I get that sometimes when I do online banking. Report the bug to Apple.

Firefox is a good backup for these situations. There's also the debugger menu, where you can tell the website that you're using another browser. I have limited success with that. Besides, you want the website's logs to show that a Mac user with Safari was there.
Frisco said:
Safari and FedEx don't mix!
Try it out, play around a bit, enter a fake tracking #, etc.

I get the beachball of death. Sometimes it goes away after a while and sometimes a Force Quit is necessary.

Anyone hear any more on the rumor that FedEx is switching to Mac?
Same problem here - Safari hangs every time I try to do tracking on my shipments. It seems to lock up loading the last item out of 24 or so. After a good while (about 3 minutes of beachball), it loads that last item and Safari becomes usable again. It is highly annoying and I haven't the foggiest idea as to what's causing that reaction from Safari.
Ditto!! had to force quit to get out from the Rate page. put in a CA zip to a NY zip and there it came...... the little spinning beach-ball of death :mad:

Had to force quit to get back here and bitch!!

But don't fret, I've had the same problem with a few sites, FedEx is just one more on the list of "Unfriendlies"
Me too!!

I had this same problem when I was trying to track my sistersNEW 15" PB from apple's own order ststus site! Apple really needs to fix this right away!
Same problem, with real tracking number. Good thing I forgot to delete microsoft interner explorer. Did'nt think I'd be using that thing again. I'll keep it just in case I bump around some more Safari-unfriendly sites.
problem with

having problems lately looking at Safari's beachball keep spinning for a minute while it tries to load the huge ad banner on top of page. I wonder if these pro webmasters are doing something new that affect safari?
foofan said:
having problems lately looking at Safari's beachball keep spinning for a minute while it tries to load the huge ad banner on top of page. I wonder if these pro webmasters are doing something new that affect safari?

There are some other e-biz sites that are trouble too. The site for my credit card refuses to work, and I noticed the Siebel / jsp - based site for Michigan's tax status check doesn't work. The latter doesn't work in a really strange way. The whole page loads, onto which you would put your SSN and last name, but instead of finishing and letting you type in your info, it for some reason obsessively convinces itself to reload the entire page immediately, and keeps doing this ad infinitum.

Shamefully, I'm still using MSIE as my backup b/c I haven't gotten around to installing something better like Firefox on my computer yet. :eek:

On the bright side, I just realized you can set a corner of the mousepad to be the third mouse button with SideTracker and that Safari recognizes this as "open page in new tab" -- slammin'! :)
This didn't always happen on FedEx's site. I received a package about 2 weeks ago that I could track without problems. Then maybe a week later I received another package and anytime I tried to track it Safari would give me the beachball forever.

I know this off topic, but does it take forever for Safari to load, or is it just my computer. Anytime I load any page on IGN (try clicking on various news articles) I get the beachball while the page loads. The pages are big, but take significantly less time to load in Firefox.
1.2.1 (v125 .1)?

Elan0204 said:
This didn't always happen on FedEx's site. I received a package about 2 weeks ago that I could track without problems. Then maybe a week later I received another package and anytime I tried to track it Safari would give me the beachball forever.

I know this off topic, but does it take forever for Safari to load, or is it just my computer. Anytime I load any page on IGN (try clicking on various news articles) I get the beachball while the page loads. The pages are big, but take significantly less time to load in Firefox.

I think this started happening with the addition of the .1 if I can remember correctly.
ugh. this happened to me a lot too. There is a lot of javascript that isn't done well on They need to get their act together.

Well Good News! is no longer hanging when using Safari. Don't know what has changed though.
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