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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 20, 2018

i own iPad, iPhone and a Mac, all of them lately update do iOS 11.3/MacOS 10.13.4. After those updates the Safari started to behave like drunk teenager on his first party :/

If i add like 3 pages to reading list on iPhone, and check that on Mac after a while, there is nothing on the reading list, instead there are 3 random pages from recently visited view added as regular bookmarks. Sometimes I add a bookmark on one device, and they sync properly, only to disappear after a while.

Anybody got similar issues? any way of fixing that behavior permanently? any fix from apple?
I've been having this problem also, and I've found a work around that you could try. After doing some googling, I found a post on some other site that recommended turning off "frequently visited sites" for Safari on all devices. I was skeptical, but the bookmark issue was really annoying, so I tried it...and so far it has worked. It's been a few days since I turned off "frequently visited sites" and so far bookmarks have been syncing normally.

I can't guarantee that it will work for you, but it may be worth a try.
Today I started noticing syncing problems as well - adding a bookmark on one device syncs to other devices, but later disappears again.
dear apple, stop if before it spreads ;)

turning off frequently visited sites on all devices works so far. sucks as i use that feature often.
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