I got that all the time too, once I updated to 10.3.8. Now I don't get it anymore. I just use FireFox. I've been converted. Camino is nice, more mac-like, but for some reason, FireFox seems more polished. I dislike the little folder's on my bookmark bar too. Firefox is quick, stable, and well, it works. No frustration at all. I do hope Safari works out their problems with another OSX update, and/or Tiger.
Still beats Windows stuff hands down. I started up my wifes Dell (I can't get her to use a mac---yet!!!) and updated her MSN Messenger. Very nice too. Little box with tabs for her hotmail (which is getting tougher to get to each day-but that's another story), news and Today type items. Anyway, the machine went to sleep and when she got up today, and I went to show her the MSN box, of course, it was gone---like gone. I just chuckled and went back to the Mac.
BUT speaking of this MSN type info page, boy wouldn't it be nice if Apple had a similar one to MSN, or better yet, Yahoo. Dialog center, with tabs, with quick access to our mail, news, stocks, sports, etc