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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 29, 2007
Horsham, UK
First of all, this is not a complaining type of tread, I just want advice.

I bought and activated my new iPhone on launch night (9th), and since then I have been more and more amazed by it every time I use it.

Since then though, Safari seems to crash a lot, not like every time I use it, but if I'm using it for a long time on WiFi (EDGE seems better at holding it) it seems to crash and just return to the home screen out of the blue.

Also, even though I type in two places perfectly known to Google Maps and that I can pinpoint on the map, I can't seem to put directions in between the two - I have to go onto my iMac and send a PDF of the directions from the website to see it on my phone.

Is there any way to check Mail more regularly than every 15 minutes? I get a heavy flow of e-mail and find myself having to go to mail to check.

Also the accelerometer (?) seems to be a little buggy, either I turn it on the side and it doesn't flip (only really in iPod mode) or I move it the slightest bit left or right and it flips (usually in Safari). Kinda weird.

Anyone else have these problems and knows how to fix them or can give me advice about them would be greatly appreciated. As I said, I'm not complaining, it's the most superior piece of kit I have ever used, yet I just have these little niggles if everything's not perfect. :)
You can try restoring your iPhone. (It's in the iTunes window)

If restoring doesn't work, then it's more than likely a hardware issue / defect, and you should get it replaced.

And for mail, what is there is there. There isn't any other way besides manually checking over and over for a shorter interval than what is given.

But once your iPhone is issue free, you'll love it more than you like it now.
The maps problem is everyone it seems. It doesn't give directions for UK postcodes. I discovered this on Saturday. I am sure there will be a fix in time.

I have also had the same problem with Safari simply going back to the Home page - but only a couple of times this weekend, not a lot.
Is there any way to check Mail more regularly than every 15 minutes? I get a heavy flow of e-mail and find myself having to go to mail to check.
I have set up a Yahoo email address on mine and it pushes the email to the iPhone so that you don't have to wait for the iPhone to initiate a search. Works very well. You could set your existing email account(s) to forward your mail to a Yahoo acount, although I don't know whether threre is any significant delay involved in this forwarding process.
maps doesnt work properly when getting directions, amazingly though it works fine for

I was wondering if someone from the UK could try the directions from to see if they are also not working.

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