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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 4, 2002
Ever since I upgraded Panther with the newest Security Update I've been having problems with Safari.

There are a lot of sites that I'm no longer able to access. I always get the pop up message that says that the site is not accessible. I have no problem accessing the same site with Firebird, but Safari gives me problems.

Is anyone having the same problem?
nope, no problems here, could you give me some site examples?
Have you installed any other new software or hardware?

I had a font (Times RO) get installed by a printer set up that caused Safari to hang on certain sites.
The only other program that was installed was the bluetooth update. It all started last night right after the updates.

It happens on various sites, like,,,

I'd say one out of every 3 random sites I try checking.
Must be something you installed, have you tried reseting safari? Not actually sure what that does but there is a reset under the safari menu. I would try reinstalling it, I use macrumors daily and cnn works just fine, I am on safari, the build that came with panther.
I'm finding the same problem. The only site that I seem to be able to acces with safari is On every other site it just hangs, not going anywhere. It's not a problem with my internet connection, as other browsers (camino, firebird) are not having any issues.

I've tried resetting safari, and reinstalling it. Still no joy. Perhaps this will be resolved with the next release of safari.
Check again, if you guys could, for the "Times RO" font in your /Library/Fonts/ or ~/Library/Fonts/.

If you have it, delete it.
Originally posted by Rower_CPU
Check again, if you guys could, for the "Times RO" font in your /Library/Fonts/ or ~/Library/Fonts/.

If you have it, delete it.

Well I'll be..... that font was there. Deleting it seems to have solved the issue.

Cheers :)
No font and I'm still having the same issue, even after reinstalling Safari.

I have no problems with Firebird or Camino, but Safari is still acting up.
Try this

Irritating isn't it?

I've been having the same problem. You click on a link or a bookmark and Safari hangs. Then a sheet spills out telling you it couldn't connect to the site. "Can't connect with Google?" you say, dumbfounded. OK, well, that's my experience anyway.

I've found the only way to remedy the problem is to delete the last slash in the URL and hit return on the keyboard. It might take a try or two, but it's better than watching the sheet spill out for the hundredth time when you know there should be no connection problem.

It's a temp. fix.
I was having the exact same problem. After reading this thread, I went into Font Book and eliminated a bunch of fonts I transfered from my previous PC (Windows TrueType fonts). The minute I did this, Safari was up and running again without a hitch.

If you have fonts other than the pre-installed ones, it might be causing a problem with Safari.
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