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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jan 3, 2014
Silicon Valley, CA
Has anybody else seen this? I see it on my PowerBook M1 and Mac Studio M1 Ultra.

Safari might be running fine for hours, then stops loading new pages or updating any window. Quitting and relaunching the app does not change anything. A new tab stays blank and does not load the Start page.

The only thing that fixes it is quitting Safari, opening Activity Monitor and killing all ""Safari Webcontent (cached pages.)

I have seen this on multiple systems running Monterey. I have disabled Extensions but it is independent of that.

Has anybody else seen this?

Some WebKit content in Mail also appears not to load.
I've been having this happen on my 2021 iPad Pro 11 especially after hours of website use. I have not had this happen on my MacBooks yet. I kill the Safari app on iPad OS and it starts working again until it eventually just stops loading pages as if the internet has gone out (while other apps work just fine). Sounds similar to what you're reporting - but iPad OS. :/

I've actually started browsing on my MBP more because of this.
The Debug menu (defaults write IncludeInternalDebugMenu -bool YES) has some settings related to cache. Maybe disabling Back/Forward Cache can make a difference.
The Debug menu (defaults write IncludeInternalDebugMenu -bool YES) has some settings related to cache. Maybe disabling Back/Forward Cache can make a difference.
View attachment 1987213
Thanks for this info - I'm going to give it a try. I'm keeping a list of changes I make, but I wonder if there's a (?terminal) command to reset the debug menu to it's original settings, in case I lose track of some of them?
Thanks for this info - I'm going to give it a try. I'm keeping a list of changes I make, but I wonder if there's a (?terminal) command to reset the debug menu to it's original settings, in case I lose track of some of them?
I am not aware of a command to revert all the changes, only the menu WebKit Internal Features has such an option at the end.
As the changes are written into plist files, you can make a backup of them before making the changes.
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Thanks again. I'll copy those plists and hope I don't need to use them, but good to know they're there just in case. I try to keep a record of every System and Safari parameter I change (apart from those that are easily user accessible) because hey, you never know when there will be unintended consequences from a minor tweak that was long ago forgotten.
Has anybody else seen this? I see it on my PowerBook M1 and Mac Studio M1 Ultra.

Safari might be running fine for hours, then stops loading new pages or updating any window. Quitting and relaunching the app does not change anything. A new tab stays blank and does not load the Start page.

The only thing that fixes it is quitting Safari, opening Activity Monitor and killing all ""Safari Webcontent (cached pages.)

I have seen this on multiple systems running Monterey. I have disabled Extensions but it is independent of that.

Has anybody else seen this?

Some WebKit content in Mail also appears not to load.
yep, happened to me once and I couldn't restart or quit. I had to use another program to force quit safari.
I had this issue a few months ago I couldn’t resolve, but I was using the Beta of MacOS and Safari Tech Preview. I attributed this issue to buggy beta software.

I no longer have the issue but I have wiped and reloaded to non-beta Monterey and regular Safari.
I get this issue… well similar. Usually restarting safari fixes it. Seems like sone kind of resource limitation but I’ve not been able to pin it down
The Debug menu (defaults write IncludeInternalDebugMenu -bool YES) has some settings related to cache. Maybe disabling Back/Forward Cache can make a difference.
View attachment 1987213
I've used this in the past, but not seen it work on recent OS/safari versions

Do you have this working on Monterey?

I can write the value, but I see no debug menu after safari restart
I have been having abysmal Safari Internet performance since upgrading to the Mac Studio. I do not know if it is the Mac Studio or my Internet. Other devices do not seem affected to the same degree. My frustration is mostly centered on my banking site and trying to open Google search. I tried on Chrome this morning and it seemed better. I am going to try to turn off Private Relay and see if it makes a difference. I wish I could turn it off for just certain websites, but I do not see an option for that
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I've used this in the past, but not seen it work on recent OS/safari versions

Do you have this working on Monterey?

I can write the value, but I see no debug menu after safari restart
Give Terminal Full Disk Access and try with
defaults write ~/Library/Containers/ IncludeInternalDebugMenu -bool YES
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Still a problem with 12.5. Technology preview has the same issue. Firefox does not. Quitting Safari is not enough, have to reboot!
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