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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 22, 2008
I dont understand. I am sitting here with 5 bars in 3G and when i try to load pages in Safari, its slow as hell....Then I get a message saying " Safari could not open the page because the sever stopped responding".

Any advice?

Could be:

- That you "appear" to have a strong 3G signal but really don't (the bars don't directly represent the quality of the data connection) -- lots of people are complaining about this. No good solution, but one way to test this is to turn 3G off; if EDGE is faster, this is the reason.

- You're visiting websites that are down right now.

- You've hit on a bug in the current firmware -- also reported. Solution for this is to turn your phone off and back on.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_0_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Mobile/5B108 Safari/525.20)

You should try and see if your wi-fi would load them!!
Could be:

- That you "appear" to have a strong 3G signal but really don't (the bars don't directly represent the quality of the data connection) -- lots of people are complaining about this. No good solution, but one way to test this is to turn 3G off; if EDGE is faster, this is the reason.

- You're visiting websites that are down right now.

- You've hit on a bug in the current firmware -- also reported. Solution for this is to turn your phone off and back on.

All good guesses, but yesterday my cousin and I held our 3G phone next to each other and tried to load a blog. (We both had 4 bars.)

Mine came in after about 10 seconds and his took about 40. (More than once, not just one page, either, and after a reset.)

We both have the latest software too. So, it's nice to try and guess, but likely there isn't anything the O.P. is doing wrong. We couldn't think of any reason why our phones were so different in the exact same place.

Hopefully this kind of stuff can be fixed with software updates, but who knows?
I've been experiencing something similar since this morning. Yesterday, all was fine.

Phone works fine, Internet sluggish as he**. Lots of messages like the OP had. Often, it ends up as something that just doesn't load. I tried a reset. that didn't help. Then, about an hour ago, the phone reset itself (I'd just been trying to load a radar image in Weather Bug, and all of a sudden, I was greeted with the shiny Apple logo.

After the phone restarted, all was well for most of the next hour. Speedy loads, apps worked fine. Now, all of a sudden, it's back to sluggish as he**. Can't even get a text e-mail to load.

Maybe it's a local issue with AT&T. I'm in New Jersey, and I've usually had good connections while riding to work on the van. Today, not so much.

Mine came in after about 10 seconds and his took about 40. (More than once, not just one page, either, and after a reset.)

If you get a chance, would you try repeating this on EDGE and/or WiFi? Don't get me wrong -- I too think there is something very strange going on with the iPhone and 3G data services...

Also, consider seeing if you can't make a Youtube video of it. This is the kind of thing, assuming it can be replicated, that needs to get out there more to draw more attention to this issue, as it sounds like it's fairly clear evidence that there's some kind of problem with some / all iPhone 3G's.

Of course, if his is always slow, there's also the simple explanation that it's defective, and he should just send it back...
So, now im in my office, 5 bars on EDGE and all I get is " safari could not open the page because the server stopped responding "

no matter the website, this is what I get....5 bars on EDGE?! What is the problem!?
I'm having the same issues, I'm in the NYC area as well.

I believe its a known issue and other people have posted about it this weekend. My coworker who came up from Charlotte has a demo iPhone from ATT and he wasn't getting internet as well.
Yes I am having the same problems since updating my 3G to 3.0 and Safari is ungodly slow on 3G. Pages take forever to load and refresh and rendering lags with the black and gray checkerboard taking a long time to render. Resetting and restoring doesn't help. I took my phone to the Genius Bar because of a battery issue and they gave me a new phone but it immediately had the same issues and all I got from their "Mac Genius" was that a future update might fix it.
apparantly turning off javascript and plugins increases the speed of safari..
So, now im in my office, 5 bars on EDGE and all I get is " safari could not open the page because the server stopped responding "

no matter the website, this is what I get....5 bars on EDGE?! What is the problem!?

Here's my advice:
1) This might sound stupid, but take the SIM out, wipe the gold part with cloth then put it back in
2) If that won't work, restore
3) If your problem is still not fixed, it's probably hardware and you should take your phone to the Genius Bar
Safari in 3G?

I don't know what you mean, you mean wi-fi in bars or 3G network for your SIM card.
If you means 3G network, maybe the singnal in the bar is not good, because it is closed.
If you mean Wi-fi network, maybe the bar stop the network serviece, or there are so many people use the free wi-fi network.

There are some advice for you:
1. Try to go out for a good singal;
2. Get a wi-fi in somewhere good;
3. Reput the SIM card again;
4. Try another network like GPRS and EDGE (or EDEG? I forgot it.:p)
Oh, also, is the iPhone jailbroken? Jailbreaking 3.0 is known to cause problems like this at the moment.
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