Thank you so much for your reply and work here, amazing. Safari Version 17.2.1 (19617. 14.2.1 I was on his Safari developer options earlier and found this, but it was all unchecked.
I don't have any Macs around that are running Sonoma or a version of Safari close to that.
If no one else chimes in, after say a day or so, maybe you can post screenshots of the Developer menu structure, and I'll see if anything looks promising.
Given the extremely close similarity between my screenshot and your photo, I think it's safe to conclude that somehow, styles are being disabled.
One possible path to explore is Safari's preferences (settings). There's a command-line tool, 'defaults', that can read and write values that apps can then access, so it may be useful.
In my admittedly older version of Safari, I used 'defaults' to read the settings, and 'grep' to find a pattern. With styles enabled, here's the cmd and its output:
defaults read | grep -i style
UserStyleSheetEnabled = 0;
WebKitAuthorAndUserStylesEnabledPreferenceKey = 1;
"WebKitPreferences.authorAndUserStylesEnabled" = 1;
WebKitRespectStandardStyleKeyEquivalents = 1;
"" = 1;
With styles disabled, here's the output from the same cmd:
UserStyleSheetEnabled = 0;
WebKitAuthorAndUserStylesEnabledPreferenceKey = 0;
"WebKitPreferences.authorAndUserStylesEnabled" = 0;
WebKitRespectStandardStyleKeyEquivalents = 1;
"" = 1;
The values that changed when styles are disabled are:
WebKitAuthorAndUserStylesEnabledPreferenceKey = 0;
"WebKitPreferences.authorAndUserStylesEnabled" = 0;
From this, I can formulate a cmd-line that will set both of those values to 1, which would presumably re-enable styles on my version of Safari. The names and values could well be different on your Safari version.
I suggest running the cmd on the client Mac, then copying and pasting the Terminal output to a post here. If there's no output, then it means there are no options whose name contains the word "style" (case-insensitive). That would imply this pathway goes nowhere.
If you've never used Terminal before, you can drag the cursor in the window to select output text, then copy it to the clipboard.
You can also paste cmd-lines (whole or partial) into the window. Since every cmd ends with a Return, if the cursor is just sitting there at the end of a line you pasted in, just press the Return key.
defaults read | grep -i style
In general, letter-case, spaces, and punctuation are all significant, so be sure to replicate them exactly. If you get an error message, please copy and paste it into a reply here. Such msgs are often brief and precisely worded, so seeing the exact text can be important.