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macrumors member
Original poster
May 15, 2006
Hello! Hopefully someone knows how to do this! I am a recent switcher and one of the things I used most on my other machine was firefox because of the tabs (love 'em!). Safari has tabs so I haven't bothered downloading firefox for mac but I haven't figured out how to turn on a warning when I go to close a window with multiple tabs still open. Is there a way to do this (other than download firefox) ?? Help would be greatly appreciated as I am starting to learn the hard way how often I depended on that warning :|
In the past, I've used a plugin called hasn't been updated in a while, so I'm unsure as to how well it works on the newest machines.
Thanks for the reply! So I take it that there isn't an in Safari fix?
There is no solution in Safari, but the shareware plug-in Saft also accomplishes that. It's only $6 and adds tons of functionality (some ad-blocking, tab rearranging, etc) and it's updated constantly with new features and support for newer versions.
WildCowboy said:
In the past, I've used a plugin called hasn't been updated in a while, so I'm unsure as to how well it works on the newest machines.

I use this on my powerbook and it does the trick.

OT but thank you for being so clear in your title, it is so nice to read a post that doesn't say the generic "need help please" :)
@realityisterror: Thanks, good to know that it just wasn't something I was overlooking, hmm guess I just need to see which work with my mbp :D

@njmac: haha least I could do to help you/someone help me ;) Plus I just assume that if I am posting in the newbie/help section it is probably evident (without telling ya again) that I need help :D so you are more than welcome ;)
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