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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 1, 2004
Los Angeles
Safari has completely lost all installed bookmarks as well as all mine. I looked in to the System folder, User folder and Library folder with no luck. I will say I install Safari Enhancer and found no use and uninstalled. I need to be clear that it was after I started work this morning that all bookmarks were gone. Idid the uninstall yesterday afternoon. Any insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks
If they are still on your computer but aren't displayed by Safari, then they'll be in Home/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist. You may have to open it to see if it contains your old bookmarks, in Property List Editor if it's installed or a text editor.

I can think of three things that could have happened to the bookmars file:
a) It somehow got deleted (in which case the file may or may not be there depending on whether Safari created a new, empty one)
b) It has incorrect permissions prevented Safari from reading from it
c) It's corrupt

If b or c is the case, then it will probably be recoverable.
Same thing happened to me a few days ago. See if there is anything wrong with your hard drive.
no repairs in permissions. I tried to look in home/library/safari/bookmarks.plist and it asked for an appliction to open... As well it wouln't open bookmarks.plist just the safari folder. I wasn't clear on what to open it with as it asked for a number of things being disk converter, stuffit etc... end of the deal I could do nothing. Drag I had quite a bit of bookmarks, as well all the OSX installed news and factory bookamrks are gone too. I'm chapped
Open it in TextEdit or any other text editor. If it's not in the list of applications, open it from within TextEdit.

Also, you can probably tell by the file's size whether it has them or not. For instance, my bookmarks file is 128K for about 250 bookmarks.
I guess that means you've lost your bookmarks then. :(

You can recover the standard bookmarks though. Follow these steps:
1. Quit Safari
2. Delete home/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist
3. Move home/Library/Preferences/
4. Open Safari, then quit it again (at this stage the original bookmarks have been restored)
5. Move the original prefs file back, replacing the new one
6. Open Safari
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