The last couple of weeks, Safari seems unable to load Javascript files. Anytime I try to load a website where a Javascript file needs to be loaded, it stalls (no beachball, though) for at least two minutes while it tries to load the file. Once it gives up on the file, it loads everything else normally. However, other files that needed to be loaded often time out while waiting for Safari to load the Javascript file. It even holds up web pages loading in other tabs and/or windows. The best example is actually with, though this happens with other websites, such as eBay and HSX. In the screenshots below, the first one is while it's stalled trying to load the file, the next one is after it's given up on the file.
I've tried repairing permissions to no avail. Anybody have any ideas?
I've tried repairing permissions to no avail. Anybody have any ideas?