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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 1, 2008
Frisco, TX
Hey folks,

I typically have Safari open and running with 3-4 tabs. Nothing crazy.

But whenever I'm on battery power - and I check the battery icon in the menu, Safari is always either listed 1st or second as an app that is "using significant energy". Outlook is typically the other one.

Outlook makes sense (I guess) because Microsoft. And it's fetching mail, etc.

But why/how is Safari using significant energy just sitting there open? And more importantly - is there anything I can do to change that apart from shutting it down?

Thanks in advance.
What Mac do you have? If there’s any sort of video content and you’ve got a Mac with a dGPU, it will almost always utilise that and use more power as a result.
But why/how is Safari using significant energy just sitting there open? And more importantly - is there anything I can do to change that apart from shutting it down?.
We can't help you. Obviously, something on one or more of those tabs is running code. It could be trackers, advertisements, anything at all. You don't have to shutdown or quit Safari to stop it. Just close the tabs when you're done with them.
We can't help you. Obviously, something on one or more of those tabs is running code. It could be trackers, advertisements, anything at all. You don't have to shutdown or quit Safari to stop it. Just close the tabs when you're done with them.

Ok. Just curious if i was maybe missing a setting in preferences or something like that.

i’ve installed WIPR to block ads. But energy usage seems the same as before it. The tabs I tend to keep open are Gmail, Facebook, MacRumors , and a couple guitar forums. I may experiment with closing some of those and see if I notice a difference.

Appreciate the feedback!
It was a fair question. But it’s just too hard to answer. One other thing...if you have Flash, uninstall it. If you don’t, don’t install it. I also keep Java turned off, which I believe is the default to begin with. Still, sites can use JavaScript, which can lead to energy use. Safari is pretty aggressive about not running stuff that you aren’t interacting with, though.
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I like to keep a lot of tabs open - is there a way to figure out which page/tab is the culprit making my computer work so hard without closing them one by one?
I think this is normal, and if you check the energy usage in activity monitor you will see it's actually quite minimal and nothing concerning,.
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