Hi guys!
Sorry for repeating, I just need to be sure.
I'm running 1.1.4 on 2G previously freed by iLiberty+.
I've downloaded everything I need - iTunes 8, PwnageTool, QuickPwn, 2.1 firmware and 3.9 & 4.6BL.
What is the EXACT and the BEST procedure? First PwnageTool to build a custom FW and then update with iTunes and then pwn? Or first update with iTunes 8 to 2.1 and then use Pwnage?
I don't care much about backups, I can easily put everything back on in few minutes. So if clean restore helps, I can do it!
Thanks very much!
My experience - which mirrors your position from what you have written.
1, I had already upgraded to iTunes 8
2, Followed iClarified @
3, Download all files as listed on tutorial, 4.6, 3.9, PwnageTool 2.1
AND the restore.ipsw - USING FIREFOX (it downloads as folder using Safari which doesnt work)
3a, Follow the tutorial ie. putting all files into folder on desktop etc...
4, A couple of bits of tutorial didnt come up for me but it wasnt confusing. I just scrolled on to next bit.
5, Overall everything worked smoothly. No error messages or anything.
6, Sync your phone so everything gets backed-up & so it'll load itself back on at the end.
7, Then follow tutorial.
8, At download packages i picked OpenSSH - as in the tutorial but have little idea what it is
9, Took me around 30mins max. And I was reading everything twice to ensure no mistakes.
I was unsure but in the end as long as you follow the tutorial, which looks more complicated than it is, everything should be fine - assuming all things being equal.
Good luck - should be ok.