I'm a new Mac owner and convert wondering how best to install VMware Fusion for the safest (ie. least likely to adversely affect my OS X system) configuration. I have a new Mac Pro and cannot find posts addressing my concerns. I have installed my OS X software (Photoshop, Lightroom, various utilities) on the 500 GB system drive which came with the Mac Pro. I have two additional drives (750 GB and 1 TB) which I have installed and are currently empty. My plan is to use the 750 GB for data and the 1 TB for backups. I want to install XP in a Fusion VM (no Boot Camp) to run a couple of apps which run only under Windows. Is there a "best method" of setting up a VM with Fusion which would be better than accepting the default installation to the system drive? Would there be any advantage to partition part of the 750 GB drive and install Fusion there? Any other tips appreciated.