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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 3, 2010
Please someone help me. My new imac 27 arrived yesterday and is really starting to annoy me. I cannot log into any sites such as this forum with it although the username is right. comes up with a red line underneath it and tells me the username is not correct when selecting login. Im getting this on everysite that has site logins simular to this site. The ones with the separate pop up box are fine.

Also i can#t import any downloaded movies off the internet into imovie although i've used my pc to convert them to mp4 iphone.

Started to think i should have stuck to windows and all its bugginess, Universal software and all that
Please someone help me. My new imac 27 arrived yesterday and is really starting to annoy me. I cannot log into any sites such as this forum with it although the username is right. comes up with a red line underneath it and tells me the username is not correct when selecting login. Im getting this on everysite that has site logins simular to this site. The ones with the separate pop up box are fine.

Also i can#t import any downloaded movies off the internet into imovie although i've used my pc to convert them to mp4 iphone.

Started to think i should have stuck to windows and all its bugginess, Universal software and all that

OK, if you are having problems with Safari, I would give Firefox or Chrome a try.

And you can download a program called Handbrake to convert your home movies to iPhone. They even have presets for it, so it's very easy. To put them on the iPhone, just drag and drop the movies into iTunes, not iMovie. Then tell iTunes to sync it to your device. A word of advice, iMovie is NOT meant for organising video libraries. It's a video editing tool (like Windows Movie Maker). If you REALLY want it in iMovie for whatever reason, in iMovie go to the file menu and inport > movies.
Thanks I've tried firefox/Mozilla and aol desktop same issues I'm afraid. Cleared cache and history turned cookies to accept. Must be some sort of proxy issue. Any others ideas
all sorted now. Now its time t get down to business and learn how to use this thing
I went down to pc world as my friend wanted a new laptop and matched their settings with mine and all it was having cookies as accepted and font size ticked. Now i'm happy got the machine going. Managed to get a video into Imovie for editing aswell. Just need to work out how to put wmv and rm file's into it without having to convert them to mpeg 4 before i can do it. Want to up the quality of them as some as 4 years old and low resolution. Shame my Corel Video editor isn't transferrable to Mac. I'd do it on my pc but it takes some long. Burning a dvd with it takes 8-11hrs
fishpaste i've gone and frozen the Imac. Instead of selecting pictures or a new folder when converting video to jpeg i put it on the desktop. Now 5500 pictures later its still frozen. Now i've turned it off and back on and now i've got a empty desktop all my apps are underneath, the mouse is fine wizzing round the the screen, but i can't open anything. The images are gone aswell. Don't know if turning it off has caused a issue or just a major clogging of the memory.
At the mo i'm totally stuck, Going to have to sit tight.
All my own fault this is not a imac issue but a user issue. What i did would have done this to any other machine.
fishpaste i've gone and frozen the Imac. Instead of selecting pictures or a new folder when converting video to jpeg i put it on the desktop. Now 5500 pictures later its still frozen. Now i've turned it off and back on and now i've got a empty desktop all my apps are underneath, the mouse is fine wizzing round the the screen, but i can't open anything. The images are gone aswell. Don't know if turning it off has caused a issue or just a major clogging of the memory.
At the mo i'm totally stuck, Going to have to sit tight.
All my own fault this is not a imac issue but a user issue. What i did would have done this to any other machine.

Are you still able to go to Edit>Undo in the Finder menu?

You may not be able to because you turned your iMac off though.....

Call 1-800-MYAPPLE. They'll help you.
fishpaste i've gone and frozen the Imac. Instead of selecting pictures or a new folder when converting video to jpeg i put it on the desktop. Now 5500 pictures later its still frozen. Now i've turned it off and back on and now i've got a empty desktop all my apps are underneath, the mouse is fine wizzing round the the screen, but i can't open anything. The images are gone aswell. Don't know if turning it off has caused a issue or just a major clogging of the memory.
At the mo i'm totally stuck, Going to have to sit tight.
All my own fault this is not a imac issue but a user issue. What i did would have done this to any other machine.

OK, by what you say, it looks like the Finder is freezing trying to load the desktop with 5500 images on it. The following directions will erase your desktop, and they will screw everything up more if you aren't careful!

So try this. Open spotlight and search for "Terminal". Now open the Terminal. In it, type this EXACTLY (copy and paste if needed):

rm -rf ~/Desktop

Then hit enter. You will be told "Permission Denied", disregard it. This will DELETE EVERY FILE AND FOLDER ON THE DESKTOP. Now, hopefully the Finder will be able to open when you click its dock icon at the bottom (far left).
Thanks guys ill try this but i dont think i'll have enough time before freezing starts. I tried after turning off at the back button when the mac powered back up to turn off in the normal menu but it froze. Freezes within 5-10 secs. I even tried inserting the restore discs and it wouldnt give enough time to select it. If i can would logging out of my acc put me on as a guest user without my desktop or personnal settings and allow me to delete said acc or never use it again

Right logging in an out didnt give a guest acc option however it has brought back up the offending pictures. I tried to enter spotlight but have been frozen out. Didn't have enough time to get into terminal

going to try apple care

Thanks for all the advice and help guys i really appreicate it
Thanks guys ill try this but i dont think i'll have enough time before freezing starts. I tried after turning off at the back button when the mac powered back up to turn off in the normal menu but it froze. Freezes within 5-10 secs. I even tried inserting the restore discs and it wouldnt give enough time to select it. If i can would logging out of my acc put me on as a guest user without my desktop or personnal settings and allow me to delete said acc or never use it again

Call 1-800-MYAPPLE or make an appointment at the Genius Bar.
Call 1-800-MYAPPLE or make an appointment at the Genius Bar.

I live in gthe UK so may not hav ethe Genius option. Will try support when they open at 10am. Going to try loading in safemode and see what happens.

less than 3 days of having it and i broke it. And am still using a pc. Ironic
well cant get it into safe mode or to reinstall from the discs supplied done a prper job on it by the looks of it
well cant get it into safe mode or to reinstall from the discs supplied done a prper job on it by the looks of it

Let's make sure you are trying to reinstall correctly, as it seems you are not actually booting off the install discs.

Follow these steps to the letter:

1: Connect a USB keyboard (the Bluetooth one may not be appropriate for this procedure).
2: Make sure the iMac is completely turned off (not in sleep or anything).
3: Begin holding down the OPTION (or ALT) key (while the iMac is off).
4: While still holding down the OPTION (or ALT) key, turn on the iMac with the power button.
5: While still holding down the OPTION (or ALT) key, wait for the iMac to boot up. It will not load Mac OS X, but instead will show you menu with some icons in it. It looks like this:

6: Don't click anything in the menu, but put in your iMac install disc.
7: After a few seconds, the disk will appear in the menu. Double click it to start the install disc.

Hopefully, you can get it reinstall.
Well its been a week now and after some teething problems all of my own making i have to say im impressed by the imac and glad i bought one. screen is fantastic OS is easy to use. Best computer i've bought by a country mile
i took it to the apple store and they restored it to factory settings. Dad wanted to go the pc world but i know if i did they wouldn't have dealt with it and got it fixed for me within an hour like Apple did, try a week maybe if i'm lucky and they'd probably not have done it properly (still have a pc i took to them 9 months ago that still has the same issue i took it to them twice to look at). No yellow tinge. Hard drive only loud when importing cd's to itunes (but show me a computer that isn't load when burning disks) and its no louder than any pc or games console i've used. Apps open fast, mouse is perfect (although still can't get used to no right click, but if i wanted it i could just use a pc mouse).
So far after getting past my new user issues i have to say i wish i never took so long to change from windows. Only reason i'd go back is purely cost if this imac ever broke beyond repair.
Mac looks and feels so more professional and polished than Windows. Its like being given a brochure to look at Windows is black and white and text only Mac is in colour with pictures
never used safari- only firefox in windows/mac/linux :D

Meh, firefox is not that great on the Mac. Personally, I have had headaches with plugins and firefox's love for crashing. If you want to use a browser that is excellent on all 3 platforms, Chrome is the way to go IMO.
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