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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 16, 2005
Hey people. I've been using my 19" LG LCD monitor for a couple of years now for my Mac Mini and Xbox 360. I'm starting to think it's time to upgrade. Why not? I have the money. This is why I come to you people to ask if the new Samsung 26" LCD HDTV (Model #LN-S2651D) is worth buying.

I will be using the monitor mostly for my Mac Mini and gaming if that helps. I don't want to spend too much money so that's why I chose the 26". It also seems like the most popular HDTVs out right now are made by Samsung and I've heard many great things about them.

I have a question though. I know that LCDs might fade after time and that would not be good at all since I'd be spending over a grand on this thing. Do LCD televisions such as this have the liquid crystal display with no bulbs that blow in a year or does it have bulbs?

This particular HDTV got some pretty good reviews on but I just wanted to check in with you friendly & honest people because macrumors is where I get the best info/opinions from. :)

I hope someone can help me out on this big decision. I'm only 17 years old and can't afford to waste my hard earned cash. Thanks.

Afro -

First off, this is probably the wrong forum to post this thread - you should probably be in the buying tips and advice forum. Perhaps a mod will move it for you.

As far as LCD TVs go, I am not the most knowledgeable - but I have heard Samsungs are among the best. They also have really nice design aesthetic (imo). If you can get a good price and things look good (if you can see one in action instore somewhere), I would go for it.

As far as gaming goes, I know the larger LCD screens have a slower pixel-response rate, and iirc LCD TV's do in general compared to dedicated monitors. I don't know the specifics (Samsung specs/your gaming habits), so I can't say if that will be an issue for you.

Good luck.
Thanks for your response and sorry for putting this thread in the wrong section. I thought the buying advice section was only meant for anything Mac/Apple knowing this website is called MacRumors. :)
LCDs generally have little to no fade for A WHILE. Bear in mind though, the resolution on that TV will only run the mini at 1360x768 (i know because i got an LN-S2641D Sunday from Sears). I've adopted the large resolution after 3 days, but now that i look back on it, i wish I had gotten either a 1080p Westinghouse from Best Buy or an Apple Display to push at a higher resolution, though no TV capabilities on the Apple display without some sort of DVI splitter and a cable box. Good luck!
Afro1989 said:
I will be using the monitor mostly for my Mac Mini and gaming if that helps. I don't want to spend too much money so that's why I chose the 26".
If I were you I'd seriously consider a 24" monitor like the Dell 2405FPW or something similar like the Samsung 244T. [Note I'm a big fan of Samsung monitors and am typing this on my Dell with a Samsung 930B].

As h0e0h pointed out, many HDTVs will have 1280x800 or similar resolution, while a similarly sized monitor will be able to display 1920x1280. For your stated uses mo' resolution is mo' better. If you were intending to use it to display HDTV programming I might reconsider, but you didn't say anything about any video that doesn't come from your Mac mini.

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