also samsung has a website that you can register the drie and get a bonus 3 month warranty total of 39 months.
I had a bad vertex drive 12 months ago it was a long replacement wait.
I will not use them patriot or corsair for ssds. All sold bad ones to me that and were slow to replace
I was intel intel intel. There has been a bur with the new 320 series and I have a 600gb model cost me 1k. So for now even though it works no intels.
now I am samsung samsung samsung. I mod minis and make up fast 2 bay raid0s for users the samsung 64gb and 256gb have been perfect around 7 for 7 so far.
PS the only sandforce ssds to buy are from OWC.. They are very good with returns and service so for that alone if you really want a sandforce ssd get it from them.