There are forums all over the place regarding Samsung wireless players having issues with AirPort Base Stations and AirPort Extreme base stations.
I purchased the Samsung BD-P4600 a couple of weeks ago (comes with wireless dongle for Netflix/Pandora streaming) and I have an AirPort Extreme Dual Band. I've discovered the following over the days I've played with this:
1. Make sure your home network name has no spaces in it. (mine didn't)
2. If you have WPA security turned on for your network, choose the appropriate connection on the Samsung menu. There are 4 security choices, None, WEP, WPAPSK, and WPA2PSK. My wireless security is WPA2 Personal, so on the Samsung I chose WPA2PSK.
3. When you enter your password, be sure to pick either the appropriate capital letters and/or lower case letters on the Samsung screen when entering.
4. When finished with your wireless setup on the Samsung, don't forget to "Save" the settings.
These are the main things to be aware of for successful setup. However, not all is rosy out there, and even though mine set up perfectly the first time, I have a current issue where after a power cycle, the Samsung "forgets" about Netflix, although oddly enough Pandora ALWAYS works. I've had to unplug the Samsung, detach the dongle, plug in the Samsung and then put the dongle back in for Netflix to work.
Netflix comes up with a message that streaming is not available check back later, blah blah. This is nonsense, as the Instant Streaming IS available as I can go to my iMac and see that it is. This is some weird glitch between Samsung/AirPort/Netflix that I've yet to figure out. This may or may not happen to you...I can only speak from my frustrating experience.
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