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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 29, 2016
St. John's, Newfoundland
Greetings all,

I have an Samsung TV, the model is UN55TU8000F. It's a 55" 4K UHD HDR television. It has an app built in for Apple TV. When Lord of the Rings was released earlier in December, we decided to start buying them in the new formats. The first film played fine with zero issues after purchase. However, currently watching the Two Towers there has arisen an issue. The bright, white areas of the film are appearing with pink and blue tones. We started watching this film the other evening, and it was playing fine. We come back tonight and resume play and we are seeing this issue.

Furthermore, it now EXTENDS back, as The Fellowship of the Ring is showing similar graphical problems. However, other applications, such as YouTube and Netflix, are playing back 4K based content fine. No color issues there. It's just the Apple TV app that has an issue currently.

Has anyone encountered this? Because this is an application on the television it really doesn't have all that many settings. There is nothing I can really do except log in and out, and that didn't change a thing. All the settings on the television are fine, and haven't been altered. It's a case of "working one minute, broken the next."

If anyone has seen this before and knows of a fix, it'd be appreciated.


macrumors 68030
Feb 23, 2016
Have you tried rebooting your ATV? I remember having some weird anomalies on my 4th gen ATV and a restart fixed it.


macrumors 601
May 27, 2008
Have you tried rebooting your ATV? I remember having some weird anomalies on my 4th gen ATV and a restart fixed it
the OP is not using an appleTV, they're using the appleTV app on a TV

but in the same vein, have you tried rebooting the TV?
it's not likely that it's "extending back." chances are it's a new setting being applied to a file you've played before.

LotR is in dolby vision, although it looks like your TV is just HDR, it should work though
do you have an appleTV+ subscription? most of their shows are in DV
also, at least on the appleTV, the previews for movies also play in DV/HDR, so those are free to use and test with.

when you say playing YouTube and Netflix, are you playing HDR videos? just because they're 4k, doesn't mean they're HDR. YouTube is notoriously bad for people labelling stuff wrong, or the app not playing files back in their original format so using it to test can be problematic.
and with Netflix, just confirming you've got the 4k streaming plan? Also Netflix has a few 4k without HDR.

On my TV, when switching between standard, HDR, and Dolby Vision a badge pops up. Also all three have their own video settings, when the range changes, the TV automatically switches to the other video settings, Not sure if you should see a badge or not, but you might want to check the video settings when you're seeing something wrong, as one of the setting profiles might have gotten altered, and the TV is only using that setting when you're actually watching something in HDR.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2013
Make sure the firmware for your TV is up to date.
Consider removing the app and installing it anew.
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