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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 23, 2013
How does one convert the current default font to the SF font?
It is very much noticeable. More spacing, different apostrophes. It was modelled after Helvetica, but with distinct differences.

I can see that. For me it was most noticeable, and i don't know why, on the login screen, mission control and iMessage. Other areas it doesn't stand out as much to me. Not sure why.

Because the text is smaller in many other places, making the distinction less clear.
It's an OK change for the most part, but the kerning is awful. In Finder, much like the Twitter app on iOS9, c h a r a c t e r s a r e s p a c e d s o f a r a p a r t t h a t t e x t i s l e s s r e a d a b l e t h a n b e f o r e.
It must be me (or else the font replacement didn't automatically happen on my MBP), but I see no difference.
I love the new font - character spacing is better than Helvetica and it looks much better on non-retina screens.
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