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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 20, 2015

I have an 24 inch Dell Ultrasharp 1920*1200 monitor connected to a 13" Retina MBP using a DP cable.

With the recent updates to Sierra, I think the fonts are very Jarring on the external Monitor to a point where I do not feel like reading on my external monitor. This is actually even bad with the smaller font sizes. The font is too thin for my liking. The font however looks very beautiful on the Retina screen.

After doing a little bit of research online, I figured that this is a problem that others have seen as well and it could be due to the new system font from Apple, and that the predecessor Lucidia Grande would be a better option in such cases.

So my questions are as follows:
1) Has anyone faced the same kind of issues that I see and how did you end up addressing it?
2) Is there an easy and configurable way to change the system font from SFO to Lucidia.. ?
3) I am considering upgrading my monitor to a dell QHD display. Would this help with this problem or make it worse?



macrumors member
Oct 29, 2015

I have an 24 inch Dell Ultrasharp 1920*1200 monitor connected to a 13" Retina MBP using a DP cable.

With the recent updates to Sierra, I think the fonts are very Jarring on the external Monitor to a point where I do not feel like reading on my external monitor. This is actually even bad with the smaller font sizes. The font is too thin for my liking. The font however looks very beautiful on the Retina screen.

After doing a little bit of research online, I figured that this is a problem that others have seen as well and it could be due to the new system font from Apple, and that the predecessor Lucidia Grande would be a better option in such cases.

So my questions are as follows:
1) Has anyone faced the same kind of issues that I see and how did you end up addressing it?
2) Is there an easy and configurable way to change the system font from SFO to Lucidia.. ?
3) I am considering upgrading my monitor to a dell QHD display. Would this help with this problem or make it worse?
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