What are the chances Apple will be (one of the) first to the market with intel's Santa Rosa platform, When do you think it will happen?
What are the chances Apple will be (one of the) first to the market with intel's Santa Rosa platform, When do you think it will happen?
What are the chances Apple will be (one of the) first to the market with intel's Santa Rosa platform, When do you think it will happen?
God, just be patient. Give it time. It's too early to start caring now...
both macbook lines are now 64-bit, what the hell is the point of this? theyre both fully optimized for 10.5, and yet people want to know when the next one is coming out.
I own a ferrari. When's the faster model coming out? When will it have telephathic steering??? When will it hover?????
You act like 64 bit compatibility is the only feature Apple should bring to the table. There is more to a computer than just a processor. You should know that.