I have a 2010 mac pro and I would like to get a SATA III SSD to boot from. I also have 2 3TB disks in raid 1 right now for my media library but since that is running out of room (Only 3 TB usable) I would like to get another 3TB disk and put them in raid 5 for 6TB of usable space as well as protection from 1 disk failure (Correct?). Ive been looking for a card but cant really find anything that will boot. Looking to spend around $300-$400 on a card + SSD. Any suggestions? Not extremely educated on the topic so any help is appreciated.
Areca ARC-1213 4i will do what you want, and fit your budget.
As per configuration, you could run the SSD from it (boots under EFI once you flash the firmware) + 3 member RAID 5, or run the SSD from the empty optical bay (best choice IMHO), leaving you one port available for expansion in the future.
You will need an adapter to use the internal HDD bays though, which will set you back another ~$130 (will be the case with any 3rd party RAID card in your MP).
Correct adapter kit for your machine for use with MiniSAS based connections on the RAID card.
Granted, the latter option (SSD in the empty optical bay) would have a SATA III disk on a SATA II port, but keep in mind, that booting relies on random access performance, not sustained throughputs.
Since the random access performance will not saturate the SATA II bus, it's quite viable for an OS disk (sustained throughput tops out at ~275MB/s for a single SATA II port, so long as the controller isn't pushed past it's design limit of ~660MB/s from all ports combined).
For best performance on your boot drive, get 2 matched smaller SSD drives and configure them as a RAID-0 array. You will probably have better overall performance than any Mac Pro single SATA-III solution (PCIe bus card)
This does not improve random access, and in fact, can have a negative impact.