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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 6, 2003
Widnes, Cheshire, England.

Sorry if this is a simple/stupid question but i'm a noob with illustrator so need a bit of help.

I've been asked to create a logo that I made in photoshop as a vector which i've managed to do but I don't know what the best file type to save it as.

I'll be sending it to a web designer if that little bit of info makes a difference.


p.s, when i'm creating a shape (with the elipse tool) how do i stop it from giving me a black outline?
Can you just give a bit more detail?

You created the file in Photoshop? But now you want to take it into Illustrator to somehow export to a file for a web designer? Have I got that right?

As far as the black stroke around objects go, select the object and... a picture says a thousand words... ;)

Sorry, clearer words needed.

You can ignore the photoshop bit really. I've created a new version of the logo in illustrator but i just wanted to know the best way to save it.

.Eps or .ai ?

I figured the stroke thing out just before you replied thanks.
...I've created a new version of the logo in illustrator but i just wanted to know the best way to save it.

Depends on what apps your web person has got to open or work with it.

If I'm in this situation, I usually send a range of files including PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4 compatible), EPS v8 and hi-res JPG (600-1200ppi)... sometimes a transparent GIF if I know what pixel dimensions they want.

If it's got type in it, don't forget to convert it to outlines for the EPS and PDF export. Do this on a copy of the file so you can always go back and edit the text later if you have to. If you don't convert to outlines, the person at the other end needs the font as well and that's just a pain for all concerned...

Select the type, then, Menu: Type>Create Outlines... this turns any characters into shapes. Once saved, you can't go back and edit them as letters any more, though. So work on a copy of the file.
Thanks people.

Anyone know of any places that have tutorials for Illustrator?

I don't wanna be annoying everyone with stupid questions now that I'm trying to find my way around with it.

bye d byee
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