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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
Is there a way to save the apps you have paid for in Cydia. for example when we all go to 3.1, what happens to 3G unrestrictor or NES v3. etc.

It there a way to extract the IPA and save it in itunes?
Purchased apps are based on the serial # of your iPhone, so when you upgrade and reinstall Cydia, it will check ur serial and then copy then back onto your iPhone.
The apps are linked to your phone. When you upgrade the firmware or restore you can just go back to Cydia and download it again without having to do anything extra.
There are a few apps such as iBlacklist and Mcleaner that use a activation code. You need to save that somewhere so you have it. Mcleaner has a place on their website where you can look up the activation code.
There are a few apps such as iBlacklist and Mcleaner that use a activation code. You need to save that somewhere so you have it. Mcleaner has a place on their website where you can look up the activation code.

What if I were to buy the gpsphone app from cydia on my 3gs. i can install it as many times as i want on my 3gs but what if, next june I got the next iphone when it came out, would I have to buy it again?
What if I were to buy the gpsphone app from cydia on my 3gs. i can install it as many times as i want on my 3gs but what if, next june I got the next iphone when it came out, would I have to buy it again?

Every Cydia app that I have purchased say that it is a one time purchase, even if you buy next years iPhone, the app will still work. They probably just update your IMEI number and give you a new activation code.
Every Cydia app that I have purchased say that it is a one time purchase, even if you buy next years iPhone, the app will still work. They probably just update your IMEI number and give you a new activation code.

This means pokemon for me
I am going to get my phone replaced by apply and I forgot which e-mail address I used to link my can I transfer my purchase then?
I know Cydia App's are installed similar to the App Store Apps onto the directory. Is there a way to make IPA's from the Cydia installed apps. This will help retain the usability and could work if we change our iPhones for what so ever reason.
I know Cydia App's are installed similar to the App Store Apps onto the directory. Is there a way to make IPA's from the Cydia installed apps. This will help retain the usability and could work if we change our iPhones for what so ever reason.

Well things like "yourtube" which you have to pay for, but are addons i don't think can be made into ipa's. not sure about that
No, cydia apps are not installed like Apples appstore apps so you cant turn them into IPA's and try to sync them thru your itunes library. They're completelly different format.

I know Cydia App's are installed similar to the App Store Apps onto the directory. Is there a way to make IPA's from the Cydia installed apps. This will help retain the usability and could work if we change our iPhones for what so ever reason.
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