Hello Everyone,
About 6 or more months ago, I purchased a Mac Mini (1.42 GHz PowerPC G4) which came with 512 MB of RAM. I upgraded the memory from 512 MB to 1 GB and was given the 512 MB with the sale of my new (and first, may I mention) Macintosh computer. Now, after half a year of use, I have grown to love Macs and OS X; however, I have a lot of tough courses coming this fall in school and need a notebook as such. But I also want a laptop that will last me for 3 or 4 years.
I want to buy a MacBook Pro, but being the penny-pincher I am, I was wondering if I could use the 512 MB of RAM from my Mac Mini and put it into the other memory-slot of the MBP; which, as I can establish from Apple.ca, comes with two slots, and if you either get the 512 MB or 1 GB configuration there should be one slot remaining. What I need to know is: 1) Could this work? and 2) Is my 512 MB stick compatible with the MBP or even the MacBook (if I decide to go down that root). This is what reads EXACTLY on a sticker on the stick of RAM:
512MB DDR-400 MHz-CL3
Thank you all so very much for you help in the matter. I eagerly await your replies.
About 6 or more months ago, I purchased a Mac Mini (1.42 GHz PowerPC G4) which came with 512 MB of RAM. I upgraded the memory from 512 MB to 1 GB and was given the 512 MB with the sale of my new (and first, may I mention) Macintosh computer. Now, after half a year of use, I have grown to love Macs and OS X; however, I have a lot of tough courses coming this fall in school and need a notebook as such. But I also want a laptop that will last me for 3 or 4 years.
I want to buy a MacBook Pro, but being the penny-pincher I am, I was wondering if I could use the 512 MB of RAM from my Mac Mini and put it into the other memory-slot of the MBP; which, as I can establish from Apple.ca, comes with two slots, and if you either get the 512 MB or 1 GB configuration there should be one slot remaining. What I need to know is: 1) Could this work? and 2) Is my 512 MB stick compatible with the MBP or even the MacBook (if I decide to go down that root). This is what reads EXACTLY on a sticker on the stick of RAM:
512MB DDR-400 MHz-CL3
Thank you all so very much for you help in the matter. I eagerly await your replies.