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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 16, 2005
San Jose, CA
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to drop in to share the news of our new app.


Watch the video of the app here:

Learn more about the app here:

And available on iTunes:

Thanks for checking it out!
Picked this up last night. Aside from the extremely well done design and execution, this has always been one of those apps that I wanted to make for myself. Now I suppose I wouldn't need to anymore :)

I highly recommend this app for anyone who emails yourself bits of information all the time.

PS: Why not include Rich Text (and Text+Images) ? The iPhone's copy+paste natively supports it.
I purchased this nearly an hour ago and I love it already. I was sold on the app when I saw the pastebot sync that lets it sync to your macs.
Awesome! It'll replace both my previous clipboard app and an app dedicated to sending canned email messages.

My only feature request at this time is an option for the opening default screen. I'll be working mostly from my email folder, so it would be nice to have a folder as the default opening screen.
Great app. My only problem with it is that it doesn't really work while backgrounded on a jailbroken phone. It doesn't update the clippings live, only when you close and reopen the app. It's just a pity, not a complaint since I wouldn't expect a dev to support jailbroken phones.
This is a great little app but I have a problem that I'm hoping someone can help me resolve.

I've installed Pastebot Sync on my iMac and MacBook Pro but when I use the Pastebot app on my iPhone, it will only sync between devices if the Mac is connected to my router via ethernet (Netgear DG834G v3). If I remove the ethernet cable and turn AirPort on, nothing!

The same issue arises when I try to use the Apple Remote app - I have to use ethernet.

Any ideas?

Try rebooting your router. It sounds like the uPnP service isn't working. If a reboot doesn't work, look in your router settings for an option to enable uPnP (non-Apple routers) or Bonjour (Apple routers).
Try rebooting your router. It sounds like the uPnP service isn't working. If a reboot doesn't work, look in your router settings for an option to enable uPnP (non-Apple routers) or Bonjour (Apple routers).

Cheers. uPnP has always been enabled and a reboot didn't fix the problem :confused:
Hey Pearl Jam,

Did you ever manage to get the pastebot synced up? I'm having the same problem at the mo.

By the way I'm sure you've tuned into the new pearljam radio. Great stuff!


I have found this to be an App i now use everyday!! I use this with the dragon dictation app. After i dictate i paste it to pastebot and sync it right to my Mac Its the Best!! I did a screen cast on both these app at YourMacShow.comPlease have a look. Dennis
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