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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 5, 2007
I have the Apple TV (2nd gen) simply because it integrates so well with my iPhone/Pad and iTunes account. It's really just meant for that, and works simply.

Well, this brought out the fire in an XBox, Zune, Windows 7 phone user. He called me an iFan, iAcolyte (I had to look that one up) and went on this anti-Apple user tyrade.

Why do people feel the need to fight people who like Apple products? The truth is that I love gadgets, and have always been into gadgets long before owning any Apple products. I just switched to Apple in 2006. If a better product came out, I'd be interested. But it hasn't yet in my OPINION.

Yet the anti-Apple soldier on Twitter felt the need to let me know all of the XBox features -- like I care. They always do that -- run down a list of advanced features that their non-Apple product has.

Truth be told, if Apple WANTED to make a competitor to the advanced boxes out there, they could. Duh, they revolutionized the cell phone and tablet computing. Apple TV is just a hobby for Jobs, I told this kid.

Is it insecurity or what? :rolleyes:
The question is, why do you care, and why do you want to get in a fight on twitter about it? I love apple just as much as the next person, but if some Microsoft fan starts telling me how great Win7 is, what can I possibly say to change their mind? Just ignore them, and go about enjoying your Apple products.
I too get this all the time OP. Its really ridiculous. I always hear people screaming about the "apple fanboys" but I never see "apple fanboys", just users who really like Apple products.

I had a co-worker flip out on me at work and tell me to stop sucking Steve Job's d*ck (after he was done yelling a million profanities at me) simply because I had an iPad on my desk (maybe it was an Apple monitor, I don't remember it was awhile ago). He literally walked in my office, looked at my desk without saying a word to me and flipped out. Unreal.

Anyway the best thing is to ignore them. One thing that holds true for all of these types of people is that they don't know anything about technology. They think they do but when they start calling names or calling devices "complete trash" and such its obvious they aren't a very intelligent individual and they most certainly wont be able to back up their claims.

I hope that made sense I'm going on like 36 hours with no sleep. Goodnight!
I have the Apple TV (2nd gen) simply because it integrates so well with my iPhone/Pad and iTunes account. It's really just meant for that, and works simply.

Well, this brought out the fire in an XBox, Zune, Windows 7 phone user. He called me an iFan, iAcolyte (I had to look that one up) and went on this anti-Apple user tyrade.

Why do people feel the need to fight people who like Apple products? The truth is that I love gadgets, and have always been into gadgets long before owning any Apple products. I just switched to Apple in 2006. If a better product came out, I'd be interested. But it hasn't yet in my OPINION.

Yet the anti-Apple soldier on Twitter felt the need to let me know all of the XBox features -- like I care. They always do that -- run down a list of advanced features that their non-Apple product has.

Truth be told, if Apple WANTED to make a competitor to the advanced boxes out there, they could. Duh, they revolutionized the cell phone and tablet computing. Apple TV is just a hobby for Jobs, I told this kid.

Is it insecurity or what? :rolleyes:

No.... saying you love ANYTHING Apple makes you an iTard in the eyes of some so-called "Geeks".

Get used to it, it won't be the first time.

***** them.
I have been using Personal PC's since they first came out. I am the neighborhood geek who helps everyone on the street with all their computer problems, and assist when buying. When I was using Windows everyone was interested in what I had to tell them. The even begged for my advice.

When the iPod Touch first came out I purchased one. My first true experience with apple products. (Other then the Apple II in college).

My wife is a professional photographer, she needed a new computer, we purchased an Imac, mostly based on the touch experience and everything I had read about video processing. We both feel "in love" with it. It took me less than 5 minutes from box to fully functional on my network with printers and all. My Win XP Laptop died and I replaced it with a MacBook Pro. I am very happy with all my Apple products. My network just works, my hardware just works, and I can get any software I am interested in using for my Mac or Ipad.

Now my friends and neighbors do not want to hear what I have to say. One friend actually told me Apple users are "Like crack dealers for technology" Well her computer died, she asked what she should purchase....Can you guess what I told her, I suggested a MacBook.... that ended our friendship.

They are just computers, I do not know why there is so much emotion wrapped up around them. Apple works best for me in my present life style. My friends are my age and have similar life styles, I do not understand why suggesting a Mac would cause such a fight.

I am not sure how I would set up all the streaming from device to device, for my music, movies, photo's if it were not for my Mac hardware.

Do I miss all my none Apple hardware... you bet. I now have my Saturdays back, no more tweaking to keep things running, security patches, driver updates, random lockups. or profiles that get munched because of a MS update.
The irony is that Xbox sucks as a media center.

JBing your ATV and putting XBMC or whatnot on it far outstrips anything the Xbox can do.
The irony is that Xbox sucks as a media center.

JBing your ATV and putting XBMC or whatnot on it far outstrips anything the Xbox can do.

Shhhh, don't let them know that.

XBox fans are far more delusional than they ever claim Apple fans to be. What's sad, I used to be "the IT girl" in my group, I built and maintained everyone's PCs. Then my little brother gave me his old G3 iBook when I was in the hospital (lil over 5 years ago). After years of mocking him for being an iTard, I finally understood the appeal, and as my PCs died off, they were replaced by Macs.

Now I'm the "Mac Girl" among my friends, and now they're "converting" to Macs as well. So, in a nutshell, use what you want, ignore people looking for a fight, because diversity is what makes people great.
lol you two do know what XBMC stands for, right?

XBox Media Centre

The problem is, the evolution of XBMC on the 360 and on the Mac went on divergent paths, quite a while back. They're as different as iOS for the iPhone/iPad/iPod is to iOS for the ATV2.

Altho, my ATV2 currently uses Plex instead (they need to fix subtitle rendering tho).

*BTW, thanks for proving my point.
irregardless of "who's better", i just have to point out what i perceive to be a slightly warped mindset that fuels people on both sides of this 'argument':

-the OP publicly broadcasts how he loves his apple tv [because it integrates really well with apple ecosystem].

-an xbox fan is apparently annoyed by this, calls the OP is an iFan/iAcolyte, that he loves his xbox [because of features x,y,z].

-OP is apparently annoyed by this, gets defensive, tells xbox 'kid' how he's wrong. starts message board thread amongst his apple compatriots about these 'anti-apple soldiers' and complains about why they have to shove their competing product's specs down his throat. chalks it up to THEIR insecurity.

-xbox user no doubt complains about the exchange with the 'apple fanatic' to his xbox friends, and surely lists the exact same reasons why they bother him.

now is it just me or could you literally just swap the apple and the xbox user in this 'argument' and no one could really tell the difference? and no, "who started it" doesn't matter. not only is that probably the most childish excuse given during playground squabbles, but i've seen both sides start it: "oh i see you're using an iphone, i guess you think you're the hippest kid on the block, with your overpriced toys?" / "oh i see you're still using winblows, your idea of a saturday must still be tinkering with the registry in your basement"

i guess its basic human nature to pick sides and become antagonistic towards the supposed 'other' (see cars/sports/politics/religion). but at some point, unless you're just enjoying the debate, you gotta just let go and realize none of this actually matters!
The question is, why do you care, and why do you want to get in a fight on twitter about it? I love apple just as much as the next person, but if some Microsoft fan starts telling me how great Win7 is, what can I possibly say to change their mind? Just ignore them, and go about enjoying your Apple products.

Correction. I did NOT get into a 'fight' on Twitter about it. I was by contrast, surprised that the person wanted to be confrontational after I tweeted my love of a product. Once I told him that his X-Box and Windows phone were cool if they worked for him, HE backed down.
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No Comparison

@stevemiller - I am a female, and did NOT argue/get defensive. Twitter has a limited amount of characters, and I prefer to use it to share fun, random thoughts.

Correct, I came here to share that experience as this is a Mac forum where others may identify and some have even shared similar experiences. I enjoyed reading those posts, and appreciate people sharing.

I do not see where the attacker is equal since he attacked me for liking a product. I did not attack him for his gadgets. In fact I told him to enjoy them. So given that, how can he vent on a website of choice? "Ooh, I told that Apple fangirl all about how stupid Apple products are." It's an analogy of Apples and oranges.

Not equivalent at all.
lol you two do know what XBMC stands for, right?

XBox Media Centre

You do know that XBMC runs like crap on 360's, right? Also that the current stable releases (10.1) don't run on XBOX's, right? Clearly you don't.

XBMC stopped being for Xbox a long time ago.

Additionally, PLEX broke away from XBMC awhile ago, and are on a completely divergent path at this point.

Guess you shouldn't correct other people ;)
@stevemiller - I am a female, and did NOT argue/get defensive. Twitter has a limited amount of characters, and I prefer to use it to share fun, random thoughts.

my apologies, didn't mean to make any gender assumptions, just got lazy in my pronoun selection.

i'm just saying twitter is exactly that, a public forum for tossing out snippets of thoughts and opinions, and it seems both of you did exactly that. now perhaps you were speaking in positives by sharing your love for a particular product, and the 'attacker' spoke in negatives by berating it, but to me, it's pointless to let that type of stuff get under your skin.

i think we both agree these sorts of debates never lead anywhere (like arguing over favourite colours); but it's just as unproductive for us who like apple to perpetuate the idea of non-apple users having this insecure need to lash out, as it is for all those windows/xbox/android/etc users to cling to this image of apple users as a bunch smug braggarts.

and the main "equivalence" i saw was just when you said "like i care" about his supposed list of superior features, which is probably exactly what your attacker thought when first reading your tweet, as well.

you can argue that he(she?) was still in the wrong till the cows come home, but eventually somebody's gotta be the bigger person and shrug it off, or it'll forever be a back and forth of "you know whats dumb about [the other guys]?"

anyway, i'm just as guilty as the next person of indulging in it every now and then, and gadget debates are pretty harmless in the grand scheme of things, but we've got an election going on around here, and all the partisan mud-slinging from all sides just makes me wish people could be ideologically more understanding of each other!

so no offense intended, have a good one :)
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darkplanets said:
fabian9 said:
lol you two do know what XBMC stands for, right?

XBox Media Centre[/B]

You do know that XBMC runs like crap on 360's, right? Also that the current stable releases (10.1) don't run on XBOX's, right? Clearly you don't.

XBMC stopped being for Xbox a long time ago.

Additionally, PLEX broke away from XBMC awhile ago, and are on a completely divergent path at this point.

Guess you shouldn't correct other people ;)

Nope, didn't know any of that. Care to explain how it's relevant to my post?

All I was saying is that xbmc stands for xbox media centre...

I also dont see where I was correcting anybody?
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

Nope, didn't know any of that. Care to explain how it's relevant to my post?

All I was saying is that xbmc stands for xbox media centre...

I also dont see where I was correcting anybody?

It's relevant because your snarky post had a point; you weren't simply stating the title of the program. As I said before, XBMC stopped running on Xbox a long ago, so why would the name even be relevant then?
There are bad 'fans' on either side. I had to deal with a complete jerk through College, he would sneer whenever I got my Windows Laptop out, ask me why I "used that trash".

I remember him literally shouting and turning dark red in anger, when he walked in to find another guy, who owned a Macbook, fitting a Toshiba harddrive into it, shouting things like "Don't use ******* 3rd-rate PeeCee hardware in that beautiful machine"

He actually proclaimed that I'd contaminated one of the Mac Pro's in the editing suite because I networked my Laptop to it to transfer over some files.

But the guy who called you out on your satisfaction with your AppleTV sounds like either a nutcase, or a rabid fanboy.

In either case, I'd ignore, move on, and forget it.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

Care to tell me what the point of my post was? You seem to know better than me.
I switched to mac on April 24, 2006. Unlike many people I haden't used windows in many years. I actually switched over after a long history with RedHat's OS. Anyway, MS has the most insecure rabbit fan boys of any group. I get the heat your mentioned here, but I was used it from the linux days.

I once had a guy argue over and over about how his MS media center edition was so great. When I tried to tell him about MythTV he went ballistic. The funny thing is I correctly "assumed" more about his set-up then know. He was convinced he was recording HD signals, and that he could do a few other things media center did not support at the time, (that my MythTV was actually doing.)

P.S. fabian9 and darkplanets, hush, your off-topic. XBMC does not stand for anything. It started life as a project for hacked xbox 1. Eventually, they changed the project goals, ported the whole thing to other platforms and drooped xbox support completely. In fact the about site doesn't mention xbox, and the wiki says; "XBMC Media Center (formerly Xbox Media Center)" Regardless, it is not a Microsoft nor Apple product and is not affiliated with either. It has no relevance to this topic.
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