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Original poster
Dec 21, 2011
República Cascadia
After all the hair-pulling, teeth-clenching, wall-punching problems I've experienced with iTunes and the Podcasts app, I am thrilled that I discovered Overcast, a much better podcast player from Overcast, LLP.

I love the variable playback speed, the non-synching with hideous iTunes, and the ability to create multiple playlists. BTW, I am not the developer nor do I have anything to do with this company. It's just the first time I've been impelled by sheer awesomeness to sing praises about an app. That, and the coffee. :D
As someone who regularly listens to Daring Fireball, ATP, The Incomparable, et al, I downloaded Overcast and gave it a shot. I'm not sure yet on it (I've also downloaded Mocast, which coincidentally came out the same time as Overcast.)

Both applications are solid; Overcast has the advantage of the free app + trial for its features so you can see if they're for you.

I can't say either app appeals to me. It's a pain to resub to everything I have in iTunes, and my only issue with the podcasts application is inconsistent syncing (which while not totally fixed, is at least not requiring me to delete all these attempts at downloading what I've already listened to.)
Overcast is getting so much press these days. Can anyone name an app that won't work over a 3G/LTE cellular signal unless you pay for it? Can you say rip off?
Overcast is getting so much press these days. Can anyone name an app that won't work over a 3G/LTE cellular signal unless you pay for it? Can you say rip off?

The paid podcast apps prevent all downloads without paying. Downcast, Instacast, etc.

The developer of Overcast considers this basically a free trial. He's not in business to give full-featured software away for free.

The $5 is absolutely mandatory anyway, Smart Speed is the best feature in Overcast and it's not even close.
I have to chime in... It's a year later since this post was started and Overcast is by far the best podcasting app. It is amazing how Smart Speed doesn't make my ears bleed... I can listen to podcasts in 2x speed and understand it and not feel like I am listening to a cartoon. In the past 2 months I have saved 13 hours of time with the Smart Speed feature (the app tells you!)... That is definitely well worth the $5. I definitely recommend it. Even if you don't want to fork over the $5 right from the start, the layout is definitely better than the free Apple Podcast app.
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