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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 21, 2006
Here's the deal. I got my Macbook about 2 weeks ago, and connected it to my wireless router/modem. It worked flawlessly for a week. Then, on morning I wake up to realize my broadband connection isn't working. I'm connected to the internet, but not to SBC's servers. Neither the Windows Desktop (Base) will connect, my MB, or Xbox Live.

I call up SBC, and after an hour of over the phone tech support, they tell me my computer's USB ports are screwed up or something. Bleh, I didn't believe it, but I didn't feel like being on the phone any longer. I pull out an old Windows computer from the garage that used to have the DSL on it, and the same thing is happening. So now I know it's not the USB ports.

Anyways, out of all this, I got my mom to consider getting a Mac. Then, I'll make the DSL router/modem's base computer my Macbook. However, to install the SBC/2Wire modem, you have to install the included Internet Explorer. However, I obviously can't do that since IE doesn't work on the Macbooks.

I couldn't troubleshoot at the time, because I obviously didn't have internet access. However, I'm currently at my dad's place, and so I'm here asking for suggestions.

Why are you using USB to connect your modem to your MacBook? :confused:

I believe Ethernet would be a better choice, plus you wouldn't need to install any drivers (I don't think).
Sorry. I meant I connect the modem via USB to the Dell Windows PC. It's an older computer, and doesn't have a built in ethernet port. USB is the best option. However, even to install the software via ethernet on my MB requires the use of the installation disc, thus requiring IE.
Why do you have to install software to get onto the internet? Everything you need is already installed on your Mac. All that CD install wants to do is install software that SBC thinks you need, and also has some licensing agreement to distribute IE.

You do not have to use that CD. You just need to configure your Network preferences on your Mac. As for using IE? I don't understand why you would need that.
You do not need to install any software in the CD coming with SBC package.

I believe the only need of IE is to access DSL modem configuration. In that case, any browser will work just fine for you. That of course is including safari.

A DSL modem used by SBC is usually Speedstream and you can access the modem by typing in the address bar, when you connect the computer directly to the modem or when the modem distribute DHCP to your router and the router distribute DHCP to local machines.

You will want to make sure that the dsl modem make a proper connection to the internet. Check PPPoE configuration in the modem.
One more thing, if you do need an internet access, you can also use dial-up service which comes with your DSL service with SBC. With your SBC email account as a username and password. You can call SBC and ask for modem access numbers in your local area.
Well thanks guys. I'm gonna write that number down for my address bar. When I get back, I'll try it all out. It seems to make sense.
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