Well, since I didn't get a response, I took matters into my own hands. I used BigBoss's tuturial:
http://thebigboss.org/guides/sbsettings-toggle-spec/and modified the source file he provided in the guide. It's not too hard to do yourself, but it would be nice if someone made a package.
If you want to give it a shot, here's what you do:
1. Download the source and makefile at bottom of this post.(Originally from BigBoss guide on SBSettings Toggles)
2. Connect to your iPhone via SSH (
http://thebigboss.org/guides/install-and-use-ssh/) and create "JavaScript" folder in the /var/mobile/Library/SBSettings/Toggles directory (Tip: Don't forget to turn SSH on, I spent an hour trying to connect with it turned off, D'oh)
3. Move extracted files to the newly created folder
4. Edit the main.m source file and replace all references of "com.apple.locationd.plist" to "com.apple.mobilesafari.plist" (4 instances)
5. Still in main.m, replace all references of "com.apple.locationd/Prefs" to "com.apple.mobilesafari/Prefs" (1 instance)
6. Still in main.m, replace all references of "LocationEnabled" to "WebKitJavaScriptEnabled" (3 instances)
7. Save main.m
The biggest problem for me was figuring out how to compile mainly due to this being my first experience programming the iPhone. For those reasons, I'll go into a little more detail on the compiling process. BTW, these instructions are for compiling on the iPhone using version 2.x only. I don't own a mac and this is the only way I know how to compile.
8. In Cydia, make sure the following packages are installed: APT, iPhone 2.0 Toolchain, Make, & MobileTerminal
9. In MobileTerminal, type "su" and password is "alpine"
10. Navigate to the JavaScript folder by using "cd /var/mobile/Library/SBSettings/Toggles/JavaScript"
11. Next compile with the command: "make" (This takes a moment, so be patient)
12. Toggles must be pseudo signed with ldid utility, so type "apt-get install ldid", let it run and then "ldid -S Toggle.dylib" (l -> lowercase L)
That's it! Now go into SBSettings settings and set JavaScript toggle on.
Now for the bugs that need worked out. There isn't an icon and you can't simply refresh Safari after enabling JavaScript to get it to work. You have to close Safari and re-open it. Help on this information would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Here are the original files I am referring to. These files are also located on the BigBoss guide.