mulletman13 said:
I modified the Nano case a little bit...
here are a couple pics...
The desk picture doesn't do the 24" justice... everything on my desk is pretty big, not to mention its a huge desk... and those scissors are absolutely ginormous... I love them
Did you see that on digg, or where you the original who was on digg?
Anyways, saw the 24" at CompUSA today while picking up some DVD-Rs... it's big, standing next to the 20" and 17" iMacs, it makes them look tiny by comparison. HOWEVER, if look at just the 20" next to the 17", and just the 20" next to the 24", it gives an impression of how the 20" is really a more perfect size, and the 24" is actually a bit much. Just my opinion of course, but if I had $2000 to spend on a computer, I don't think I'd get the 24"... I'd get the 20", get 2gb RAM, the VRAM upgrade, and get either (depending what I was using the system for) faster CPU, second (big) LCD, bigger or extra external HDD, AppleCare, or some combination thereof.
Also, whoever did the scaled version of the 20" iMac - that's not quite right. The 20" is bigger than that by quite a bit. I JUST got back from looking at them all side by side (sorry, didn't have a camera on me or I would have snapped a pic) and that makes the 20" look much smaller than it is.