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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 16, 2017
I am using an old mini mid-2011 sporting Sierra 10.12.5 for app development, and have a newer 4K monitor I'd like to take advantage of.
I purchased this adapter to enable up to 4K 30hz.

This is my first experience with a Mac at these resolutions, and dislike their display preferences.
My only options for resolution are default (native 4K 30hz) or 'scaled', in which I'm only given some zoom levels ranging from 1152x648 up to 1920x1080. These don't actually change the resolution, they just alter the DPI.
I'm wanting to know how I can set this display to 2560x1440p at 60hz, or at the very least 4k 30hz with DPI zoomed out to 2560x1440p, because at the moment, my ONLY option is 4k30hz with DPI set to that of 1080p, giving me little benefit of the screen space 4K could provide.
When I hold option and press the 'scaled' bubble in display preferences, the resolution lst is BLANK. I have no options but native 3840x2160p, and I don't even see it in the list, I had to confirm my res in the 'about this mac' menu.

Does anyone have any ideas that could free me from this OS's strict options?

P.S. I'm not able to install DisplayResX or SwitchX


macrumors regular
Oct 28, 2014
Related - Has anyone figured out how to make the Mac Mini treat HDMI as a monitor and not a TV?
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