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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 17, 2010
I am confused on how to write a print and or scan function from C language in Assembly language. I looked through my book and couldnt find anything on the i just missing the concept or is there a trick to this? For example an assembly code for taking a Char input from the keyboard and then printing that Char out. I am using I386 Architecture for my assembly language. Please any help or hints would be much appreciated.
Here is the thing, Assembly language is just one step away from machine language; thus if you want the application to do something you have to write it yourself. The BIOS of the computer used to support some of the functions such as writing out characters to the screen, but then the screen was simple and easy to use (ascii value)(color). In todays market system design you really still need to make IO calls to the driver (if you can get one) or program your own API.

There is a good reason why most people don't write things in assembly language any more (for PC's). Embedded systems do a good job with assembly and that is where it is mostly used.

In the old dos days the screen was mapped to 0xB8000 (If I remember correctly) thus to write ASCII to the screen it would be like this :

MOV AX, 0B00h
MOV DX, 8000h ; Start at the upper left location on the screen
INC DX ; move to the next position on the screen.

This would write the ASCII character to the screen with the given color -- how you pass the variables is up to you also.

(NOTE: Again, I haven't written 8086 assembly in years, so I may have confused it with another assembly, so don't expect it to compile.)
Way back when I learned it (in school), we used INT 21h function calls, but I don't know if that's still (ever?) the preferred way to do it.
I looked through my book and couldnt find anything on the i just missing the concept or is there a trick to this?
What is your book?

I looked through your past posts, and I don't see anything that says what your book is, although I could have missed it.

For example an assembly code for taking a Char input from the keyboard and then printing that Char out.
All reading from streams or files eventually calls the read() function, described in the man page 'man 2 read'. Likewise, all writing eventually calls the write() function; 'man 2 write'.

Both read() and write() use file-descriptors, which are small positive integers representing an open byte-stream. See any book on the fundamentals of Posix-type OSes.

If you want to know what the assembly language for read() or write() consists of, I suggest setting a breakpoint on the function, then disassembling the code. Or you could disassemble the function from its dylib (e.g. the 'otool' command can do this).

There is no universal implementation of read() or write(), or any of the other C functions described in section 2 of the man pages. That's because different OSes implement primitive operations in different ways. The relevant standard (C99, Posix, etc.) specifies the API, i.e. what the function name and args are. It does not specify how any given function is to be implemented. As a result, it is not uncommon for internal implementations to vary significantly at the assembly-language level.

When I first read your post I thought you were asking about varargs functions, because both printf() and scanf() are varargs functions. That's a completely different question than what the system calls for read or write are, so I hope I haven't guessed wrong above.

If you really are asking about varargs functions, then that is something defined by the compiler. You should look in the <stdarg.h> header file, and also create test-cases and see what code the compiler generates.
I am confused on how to write a print and or scan function from C language in Assembly language. I looked through my book and couldnt find anything on the i just missing the concept or is there a trick to this? For example an assembly code for taking a Char input from the keyboard and then printing that Char out. I am using I386 Architecture for my assembly language. Please any help or hints would be much appreciated.

1. Start XCode.
2. Write a function that does what you want in C.
3. Choose Build -> Show Assembly Code.

But please tell us what you are actually trying to achieve. Trying to print things from assembly language is just plain stupid and pointless. Learning how to read assembly language can be useful at times (when you are debugging and your program doesn't do what you think it should do then looking at the assembler code will tell you what your program really does - sometimes it's not what you think it does). Learning the gcc inline assembler feature and how to use it can be useful in some rare cases - google for "gcc documentation".
Yeah, I wasn't 100% clear on what he was asking, seemed like he was asking if Assembly has built in functions to do things like scanf and printf. But right, you could use the C language API's and just access them directly. BUT remember that they don't use the standard C calling convention, I believe that they use the standard Pascal calling convention because of the variable number of arguments. Both methods are well documented online.

Let me start by saying that printf/scanf are extremely complicated and ugly functions, you can get the C source code for both here (libc). These functions end up calling the read and write which make a syscall. Printing chars via a syscall is about the lowest you can get on Mac OS. Beware however that the syscall interface is poorly documented and is subject to changes between point releases of Mac OS, so my recommendation is to just call the libc functions.

Here is a 64 bit example for putc:
.globl _main
	pushq	%rbp
	movq	%rsp, %rbp	
	movq	___stdoutp@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
	movq	(%rax), %rsi
	movl	$50, %edi
	call	_putc
	movl	$1, %edi
	call	_exit

Assemble with,

as <name>.s -o <name>.o

and link with,

ld -lc -o <name> <name>.o /usr/lib/crt1.o
We're not writing the scanf and printf functions ourselves. We are merely writing a function that calls the scanf and printf functions from within assembly.

for example,

int getNumber()
int a;
scanf("%d", &a);
I am confused on how to write a print and or scan function from C language in Assembly language. I looked through my book and couldnt find anything on the i just missing the concept or is there a trick to this? For example an assembly code for taking a Char input from the keyboard and then printing that Char out. I am using I386 Architecture for my assembly language. Please any help or hints would be much appreciated.

Did you watch Ozturk's online lecture? He explains how to do it.

Also, XCode doesn't like ".section .data" I have no clue how to make it work as there is little documentation online. I had to switch over to Eclipse on my PC to get his example to work.
Yeah, I wasn't 100% clear on what he was asking, seemed like he was asking if Assembly has built in functions to do things like scanf and printf. But right, you could use the C language API's and just access them directly. BUT remember that they don't use the standard C calling convention, I believe that they use the standard Pascal calling convention because of the variable number of arguments. Both methods are well documented online.

There is no such thing as "standard Pascal calling convention" anymore. printf and scanf will use the standard C calling conventions. These calling conventions are rather complex, and even more complex when you use variable number of arguments, and it gets horrendous when you mix in 64 bit and XMM, but it is all the standard C calling conventions.
Yeah, I wasn't 100% clear on what he was asking, seemed like he was asking if Assembly has built in functions to do things like scanf and printf. But right, you could use the C language API's and just access them directly. BUT remember that they don't use the standard C calling convention, I believe that they use the standard Pascal calling convention because of the variable number of arguments. Both methods are well documented online.

I believe you have that backwards. As I recall, the Pascal calling convention used on Classic Mac OS pushes arguments left-to-right (from the perspective of the function declaration) with space for a return value (for functions) reserved at the bottom (before the first argument) and the caller expects a clean-up stack. The C standard is almost exactly the opposite, except the return value is typically expected in a register (like eax or gpr2). Hence, Pascal is not suitable for a variable argument count in stack-based argument passing. (On PPC, at least in Classic, I believe they relied heavily on registers for argument passing.)
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