Number one obvious change (IMO)
find a classier icon.
Drop the Facebook on the icon for sure
1. After 7 pages in a note, the app crashes constantly, and often in the middle of a save resulting in lost work
2. Saving crashes following copying from google.
3. If typing with full keyboard and the rotate screen, changing the orientation, bottom of notes is spliced out and app must be restarted.
4. No easy way to save and stay in the note(some sort ofmautosave feature)
5. Can not write (w/ finger) in white?!?!
6. Cannot change name of a note
7. Cannot insert a new page in between say page 4/8 & 5/8.
8. Cannot copy/ move entire pages from note to note.
9. I wanna be able to customize my note images. I don't want a pink line.
10. Larger text size bar so scrolling is easier. Perferably with the ability to enable font size to be shown while resizing.
11. Ability to "copy" a color for reuse
12 an auto center button so that text lists such as titles can be easily centered.
13. A front screen.
I'll stop at lucky 13 for now but I could go on...