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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 2, 2007
I have just noticed this morning that a 1cm fairly deep scratch has appeared right in the centre of my iPad screen. I use a case at all times and cannot recall dropping it, i can't think how this happened but it is SO distracting!!

Are there any solutions? Will Apple fix this under warranty? It's one of those scratches that makes the light behind it all multicoloured, so so distracting!!
I have just noticed this morning that a 1cm fairly deep scratch has appeared right in the centre of my iPad screen. I use a case at all times and cannot recall dropping it, i can't think how this happened but it is SO distracting!!

Are there any solutions? Will Apple fix this under warranty? It's one of those scratches that makes the light behind it all multicoloured, so so distracting!!

Apple considers scratches to be a user-created issue and won't fix it under warranty.
Why would you think Apple would make good on a scratch that "appeared" on your screen.:confused:
How much to replace the glass then?

Or get a issuance plan...
Now I dont know how this is going to work out since you will buy a policy post damage.
I this some of the warranty plan would cost you less then 50 total for a replacement!
I went with safeware ( the only one that cover theft)
policy was 50ish and deductible was 50 for about 100 even if it got stolen!
Now there are other company like i said that do not cover theft and have no deductible!
Good luck
scratches = not covered by warranty.

as for replacing the iPad glass, it's fairly expensive.

you might as well sign up for SquareTrade or something similar and send your iPad in to them to have it repaired.

Not to mention, you'd have the coverage in the future in case of something else.
scratches = not covered by warranty.

as for replacing the iPad glass, it's fairly expensive.

you might as well sign up for SquareTrade or something similar and send your iPad in to them to have it repaired.

Not to mention, you'd have the coverage in the future in case of something else.
I have called them as of right now they don't do repair... so replace :rolleyes:
God, I've had this thing only a few weeks and I literally cannot think what caused it, but it's just too central and obvious to bare.. I'm in the UK though, is there a solution for me? One that preferably costs less than the 500 quid I paid for it not a month ago :(
I have just noticed this morning that a 1cm fairly deep scratch has appeared right in the centre of my iPad screen. I use a case at all times and cannot recall dropping it, i can't think how this happened but it is SO distracting!!

You "cannot recall dropping it" in the month that you've owned it??? Forgive me, but your choice of words seems to suggest you might know precisely what caused the scratch but prefer not to admit it.

If a person never dropped their iPad or damaged it in some way, they would say, "I never dropped it," not, I cannot "recall" dropping it. Perhaps if they had a drinking problem or were otherwise prone to blackouts, but even then, it's still most likely your own fault!
You "cannot recall dropping it" in the month that you've owned it??? Forgive me, but your choice of words seems to suggest you might know precisely what caused the scratch but prefer not to admit it.

If a person never dropped their iPad or damaged it in some way, they would say, "I never dropped it," not, I cannot "recall" dropping it. Perhaps if they had a drinking problem or were otherwise prone to blackouts, but even then, it's still most likely your own fault!

...what? What are you talking about.. I didn't drop it, understand?

I think possible the neighbours cat which often comes into my house walked over it and scratched it with one of her claws, My only guess, she was around at the time and often hops up onto my bed where the iPad was lying face up.

I guess ill do as you say KameronBriggs, and if apple come out with an up dare any time soon (unlikely I guess) I'll just sell at a loss and upgrade.
I'd sell it now. iPads are both in high demand and are sufficiently expensive that you should have no problem finding someone who wants to save a bit of money and buy a slightly scratched one second-hand. You'll get back a decent chunk of money which you can put towards a new iPad. Probably cheaper and less hassle than getting your screen fixed.
...what? What are you talking about.. I didn't drop it, understand?

I think possible the neighbours cat which often comes into my house walked over it and scratched it with one of her claws, My only guess, she was around at the time and often hops up onto my bed where the iPad was lying face up.

If it came into your house with a flick-knife maybe. One cool cat.

Zippers, keys, coins, clips and other small items can cause unexpected scratches to screens.
God, I've had this thing only a few weeks and I literally cannot think what caused it, but it's just too central and obvious to bare.. I'm in the UK though, is there a solution for me? One that preferably costs less than the 500 quid I paid for it not a month ago :(

no cat leaves a centimeter deep scratch in your iPad. unless if the cat has like...hydraulic paws of doom. actually, i'd like meet your neighbor's cat now.

moving on, are you paying attention to what anyone actually says in this thread?

100 bucks, for two years warranty, covers accidental damage as well, including water damage and dropping the iPad. Google is your friend, look for different warranties and what they cover if you're not satisfied.

Kameronbriggs wasn't telling you to wait until a new iPad comes out. Kameron's telling you to wait until something else with your iPad fails, in terms of firmware or whatever, so that you have a legitimate excuse to replace your iPad, instead of "look, a mysterious scratch appeared on my screen."

As for selling your scratched iPad now and buying a new one, you can if you want to, but you'd most likely be taking a small loss.

Personally, I'd just pay a little extra, and get a Squaretrade warranty. Repair, and two years of warranty.
If you do get a squaretrade warranty and send it in for repair and they send you a new one...doesn't that mean that your insurance policy was already used and you can't use it again for something else in the future? Just curious how that works. The last extended warranty I bought on my wii, once I used the policy it was over.
I don't think the Squaretrade warrranty is available in the UK, so probably hard for the OP to use.

Apples UK out of warranty repair charges are as follows:

iPad Wi-Fi Out-of-Warranty Service Fee
16GB £ 226.29
32GB £ 256.29
64GB £ 306.29
iPad Wi-Fi + 3G Out-of-Warranty Service Fee
16GB £ 276.29
32GB £ 306.29
64GB £ 356.29

Though for repair read exchange cos that's the likely outcome.
I work in wireless...and we see this all the time. "I just pulled it outta my pocket and it looked like this" <customer hands you a phone in 3 pieces>. Or the ever famous "I just got my phone out and my screen had this problem" <you see nothing but spiderweb cracks>. No company is going to take obvious physical damage like that and cover it under warranty. There's just no way.
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