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macrumors member
Original poster
May 19, 2006
Not sure if that's the correct way to describe it but anyways I received my first replacement iMac i5 today, the first had slight yellowing and one fan making unusual noises, in truth I forgot about the yellowing but the fan thing worried me.

So yeah, I think this one displays yellowing too but one weird thing I've noticed is that if you take a web page for example and move it to the far left or the right of the screen it looks like the page is "bowing", as if the screen isn't flat. I hope that makes sense. Anyone else experienced this?
Can you send pics? That doesn't sounds normal....

Thanks for the reply hellhammer. I tried taking a picture on my iphone but it didn't seem to capture what I mean.

Could anyone tell me if looking at a webpage on at extreme left or right looks exactly the same as looking at a webpage in the center of the screen? When I look at a page that's on either side it feels like it's slanted, now is that just because, technically the sides are farther away from my head or could the screen not be uniformly flat?

Sorry if I sound like a nutcase, I just never had any problems looking at pages on the sides with my first iMac i5.
Thanks for the reply hellhammer. I tried taking a picture on my iphone but it didn't seem to capture what I mean.

Could anyone tell me if looking at a webpage on at extreme left or right looks exactly the same as looking at a webpage in the center of the screen? When I look at a page that's on either side it feels like it's slanted, now is that just because, technically the sides are farther away from my head or could the screen not be uniformly flat?

Sorry if I sound like a nutcase, I just never had any problems looking at pages on the sides with my first iMac i5.

If the glass is flush from the sides, the only other thing it could be is the actual LCD panel behind the glass isn't screwed in straight. Mine appears perfect from any angle.
If the glass is flush from the sides, the only other thing it could be is the actual LCD panel behind the glass isn't screwed in straight. Mine appears perfect from any angle.

Sorry for taking a while to reply William. I did a really quick (not to mention crude haha) drawing of what I mean, I've exaggerated it for effect.


Maybe it's all in my head and it's just because the sides aren't directly in front of me but I don't remember it sloping at the sides as much on my first one.
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