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macrumors 603
Original poster
Dec 8, 2005
Just wondering if anyone has had the following happen on their iMac and if so, is it a known problem?

This is on a new i5 received from Apple on Tuesday. Apart from being able to move the mouse, it had hung completely so a reboot cured it. Happened again, reboot fixed it and has been stable for a couple of hours now.



Same thing happened to my i7. Did a PRAM reset and it was stable for 2 months and then it started again. Then took it to an Apple store and they replaced some hardware, has been OK so far.
Thanks Ecoh, will do a PRAM reset and log a call with Apple.
This is still happening but less frequently. Apple repair centre have said that unless they see it happening when they have the machine in their possession, there's nothing they can do.
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