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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 13, 2009
hi there - day 3 with new 27in base imac and i have the dreaded screen flicker issue. very disappointing. i will be exchanging it as soon as possible. sucks that i just spent the last 3 days moving over all my files and software.

what is the best way to proceed? i am backing up with time machine (to time capsule) now.

if i get a new 27 in, do i just do the restore (or whatever it's called) and it will restore all files, prefs and software applications just like before?

If you do a TM machine backup it should backup all the data on your Imac.

When you get your new one you can restore all the files back. Every time I have done it, it has worked flawlessly.
thanks - of course as i tried to do the first time machine backup on the new imac i got the 'disk full' message (i'm using a time capsule). took awhile to figure it out but i ended up just erasing time capsule and starting over with the fresh backup.

since my computer has 20 years of data on it i'm paranoid about losing it - yes i use a second backup drive.

still paranoid.

and also, since i'm assuming they will exchange bad imac for new one i guess i need to wipe the hard drive (since it now contains all my data) and reinstall SN.
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