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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 9, 2011
Orlando, FL
Okay so I have a question about my friend's 2010 Macbook Pro since he can't do anything with it at the moment. So here's what's happening: When he boots up his Mac it all starts up fine, nothing seems to be wrong...until it gets to the desktop. About three seconds in the screen just suddenly freaks out and the computer completely freezes. Now we've been to the Apple store three times to get his HD fixed because it kept failing on him, always walking out because it seems perfectly fine and fixed. Wait a few days and the problems spring back up. Finally the computer has been rendered useless. Luckily he's still got warranty for the Mac, but we'd just like to know beforehand what this problem could be. Motherboard? Graphics card? Other?
:apple: Lyokokrill
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macrumors regular
Apr 18, 2011
Sounds like multiple problems, my best guess would be logic board because it is both the screen (GPU) and the HDD that fail. Has it been spilled with any fluids?

My advice, since your friend is still on warranty:

Don't worry too much what it is -> Bring it to an Apple store again -> show a genius the problem -> wait a couple of weeks -> get repaired MBP -> happy end.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 9, 2011
Orlando, FL
Sounds like multiple problems, my best guess would be logic board because it is both the screen (GPU) and the HDD that fail. Has it been spilled with any fluids?

My advice, since your friend is still on warranty:

Don't worry too much what it is -> Bring it to an Apple store again -> show a genius the problem -> wait a couple of weeks -> get repaired MBP -> happy end.

Yeah, we plan to do that as soon as possible. I'm not really sure about the liquids part, probably going to have to ask about that. We just were curious what could've been the problem since the Apple Genius doesn't always tell you the specific problems. Thanks though!:)
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